  • 期刊


The Investigation of Relationship between Su-Shi and Monk Shy-Chung


蘇軾與佛禪關係密切,一生交游酬唱的禪師僧人無數這些僧侶事蹟,只有少部分在僧傳有較完整的記載,其他大多只有零星片段。當代研究蘇軾與寺僧關係的篇章不少,然而多為泛論或偏重在幾位名僧,而宋朝同名異僧或同僧異名的情況時有,今人不易辨識,提高讀者對蘇軾與宋代禪僧關係認知的難度。 北宋蘇杭多名僧,蘇軾先後官杭兩次,長達五年之久,因此蘇杭名僧多與蘇軾有深廣的交往蘇軾在〈惠誠〉一文說:「獨念吳越多名僧,與予善者常十九。」禪僧思聰即其一。思聰,字聞復,善琴、善詩,深入華嚴法界,與東坡年差有二十七歲之多,二人相識於蘇軾倅杭、思聰剃度之前,書信往返卻能長達三十年之久,此份交情匪淺,然迄今尚無專論蘇軾與思聰關係之文章。 本文藉由相關的詩文、方志、僧侶詩文集、詩話、筆記等材料,考證思聰的生平,探索蘇軾與思聽相識的緣起、交游、談論儒釋的經過,期望有助於了解蘇軾在困頓時期如何借佛禪為精神慰藉,以及與宋代僧人互動的實貌。


禪宗 東坡 蘇軾 思聰 聞復 剃度 行童 童行


Su-Shi was a well-known metrist of Sung dynasty. He had a close relationship with Zen Buddhism. Many monks at that time kept good companionship with him. There were many researches study on the concernment of Su-Shi and Zen Buddhism, but only a few researchers focused on the relation between Su-Shi and the monks he known. In the published papers, there were mistakes that regarded the different monks with the same name are the same one, or took the one monk who had one more names as two persons. That confuses our recognition to the relationship of Su-Shi and those monks. In the North Sung dynasty, there were many famous monks in the area of Su-chow and Hangehow. Su-Shi had been the officer of Hangchow twice. The period he stayed at Hangchow was about 7 years. In a letter written to his friend HuayChen he said: I am missing the famous monks in Suchow and Hangchow, almost all of them keep good relation with me till now. Shy-Chung was one of the monks who were in good association with Su-Shi. The agname of Shy-Chung was WenFu. Shy-Chun was a man well on minstrelsy, poem, and dharma. Though DongPo was older than Shy-Chun about 27 years, they kept the friendship more than thirty years. In this paper, Twill discuss the beginning of their friendship from the letters and articles written by Su-Shi. The intercommunion of them and their discussion about dharma will be studied too. That was the alleviation of Su-Shi in the period of decrial.


Zen Buddhism Dong-Po Su-Shi Monk Shy-Chung Tonsure


