  • 期刊


The Taiwanese Rural Villages' Economic Resilience and Agricultural Transformation: A Case Study of Meinong and Jhutian


本文以高雄美濃和屏東竹田為例,藉以探討為什麼在地理位置、族群文化、人口結構以及傳統之農業經濟活動等面向上皆擁有許多相似之處的兩個典型臺灣農村,且也都在1980年代後經歷了外生因素之改變所帶來的衝擊,但兩者卻在日後的農產業轉型道路上採取了不一樣的轉型策略,且亦使得兩地到目前為止獲致了不一樣的農產業轉型成果。為了回答上述的研究問題,研究者採取了長期之田野調查與半結構式訪談法來蒐集兩地農產業行動者參與轉型實踐之寶貴經驗和質性訪談資料,並透過運用經濟調適力(Economic Resilience)的理論觀點來作為本文探討與分析兩地農產業發展與轉型之理論基礎。對此,本文研究發現,高雄美濃與屏東竹田無論是在宏觀的產業結構、中觀的農產業中介組織互動,乃至於微觀的農產業行動者的認知與看法等構面上存在著許多不同,而這些不同之處即對於美濃和竹田之農產業發展造成了不一樣的影響。在此情況下,美濃與竹田各自所處之農產業發展脈絡與特徵,也進一步的影響到了兩地農產業行動者對於產業轉型策略的選擇以及當前兩地所獲致之農產業轉型成效。在以經濟調適力理論為基礎下,研究者發現,高雄美濃之農產業轉型經驗屬於重新定位(re-orientation)的類型,而此一農村經濟系統轉型的動力來源則主要來自於改變性動力(change agency),並進一步達到了調適能力構築(adaptability)的目標。相對下,在受到既有之農產業發展路徑的影響下,屏東竹田之農產業轉型策略較類似於經濟調適力觀點中之更新(renewal)的類型,而此類型之轉型策略動力來源則是來自於維持性動力(maintenance agency),對此,竹田目前所獲致之轉型成效尚處於衝擊調適(adaptation)的階段。綜此本文認為,截至目前為止,高雄美濃相較於屏東竹田在農產業經濟轉型的成效上獲致了較佳的經濟調適力。


This article examines the rural villages' agricultural transformation experiences by taking Meinong in Kaohsiung and Jhutian in Pingtung as examples. The author would like to understand and explore why although these two rural villages share many aspects in common from geographical location, ethnic culture, population structure, and traditional agricultural system, and both did face developmental challenges due to the exogenous changes, they have chosen different industrial transformation strategies and made vary achievements for pursing the goal of economic resilience. So as to answer these research questions, the author did years' fieldworks at these two sites and successfully interviewed many of the key actors in the agricultural sector. In addition, the author applied the theoretical concept of Economic Resilience as the basis and guideline for doing the analysis. The author found that although Meinong and Jhutian share many aspects in common, be influenced by the different environmental factors ranging from macro, meso and micro levels, Meinong and Jhutian do further choice different transformational strategies and achieve different goals. Based on the idea of economic resilience theory, the author found that the transformational strategy choose by Meinong is "re-orientation", and the strategy is driven from the force of "change agency", and accordingly further make Meinong to achieve the goal of constructing it's "adaptability". On the contrary, Jhutian tends to apply the strategy of "renewal", and which is based on the force of "maintenance agency", therefore, the transformational achievements which Jhutian has made are still in the stage of pursing the goal of "adaptation'. In this regard, from the economic resilience perspective, Meinong has done better in the issue of economic resilience than Jhutian.


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