  • 期刊


The Exercise Participation and Sleep Quality of College Students in Lan Yang Institute of Technology


本研究目的為探討蘭陽技術學院學生運動參與行為和睡眠品質的現況,針對結果進行評估分析以提供教學相關單位參考。以蘭陽技術學院562位學生為研究對象,男生280位,平均年齡22.6±1.6歲;女生282位,平均年齡22.4±1.8歲,研究工具為運動參與行為問卷與匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI),測驗所得數據以SPSS for windows 18.0套裝統計軟體處理,以單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定、Scheffe多重比較等統計方法進行比較分析,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果發現:一、蘭陽技術學院學生以體育課為主要的運動參與方式,參與運動時段為傍晚5-7點最多,以每週1次、每次31-60分鐘,運動強度在50-60%。二、健康管理與體重管理為主要運動參與動機,運動場館以學校為主,喜愛的運動類型為球類運動及有氧運動。三、在未來運動參與學習上,希望開設運動減重與運動技能學習等課程。四、全體受試者睡眠總分在5.7-6.5分之間,顯示睡眠品質不佳。蘭陽技術學院學生大多以體育課為主要運動參與方式,在運動天數上有還有改善的空間,建議未來體育課程中應培養學生規律運動的習慣,並開設相關課程供學生修習,鼓勵學生增加睡眠時間,提高睡眠品質,以達到健康促進的目標。


The purpose of this study was to understand the exercise participation and sleep quality of college students in Lan-Yang Institute of Technology. The participants included 562 college students (280 male students with mean age 22.6±1.6 years and 282 female students with mean age 22.4±1.8 years). The exercise participation questionnaire and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire were used as tools. All data were processed by SPSS for windows 18.0 system. The values were presented by chi-square test and Scheffe post-hoc, were considered to be significant if the p value was <.05. The results were as followed: (1) The major exercise participation way among students is physical education class. Students usually do exercise at 5 to 7 pm, once a week frequency, sustained 31 to 60 minutes per time and the exercise intensity in 50-60%. (2) Healthy and weight management are the exercise participation motivation. They do exercise in school field and they like to play ball sports and aerobic exercise. (3) Most students hope to learn the skills of sports and the concept of weight control in future course. (4) The PSQI score among students are 5.7 to 6.5, indicate poor sleep quality. The major exercise way for students is to participate in physical education class. It should be improved in students' exercise days. It recommend to develop the habit of doing regular exercise and create related curriculum for students. Moreover, encourage students to increase the sleep time, to promote the sleep quality, in order to achieve the goal of health promotion.




