  • 期刊


Discussion and Reflection on Promoting Digital Teaching in the Rural Area Schools




With the popularization of mobile devices, the concept of flipped innovation teaching has been raised. Educational researchers and scholars believe that information technology and teaching tools should be used to improve teaching quality in the rural areas. This paper explores the teachers' "teaching" and students' "learning" of the schools in the rural areas. It refers to the teachers 'teaching methods and the students' learning behavior using the Internet technology. The process, phenomenon, problems, difficulties and suggestions of digitalized teaching in rural areas were studied both in qualitative and quantitative research on six rural schools. In order to improve the teaching quality of teachers in rural areas, it is necessary to use information technology as assistant teaching tools. By promoting the digital learning and teaching innovation in the rural areas schools, some findings of phenomena amount teachers, parents, students and students were analyzed. The paper also puts forward some suggestions on the possible future implementation of digital teaching, and provides some feasible suggestions for the rural area teachers in the future.


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