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A Study of the Relationship about Perceived social support, Self-directed Learning Ability and Self-efficacy for Female Immigrants




This reseach was to investigate the relationship about social support, self-directed learning ability and self-efficacy of the female immgrants. The reseach recruited 470 female immigrants living in Kaohsiung by convenience sampling to survey. There were 399 valid questionnaires responsed. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression. Results were as follows: First, the perceived social support of female immigrants was moderate, and their self-directed learning ability and self-efficacy were better than moderate. Second, husband was the main source of social support for female immigrants, and the weak ties become important. Third, there were moderate correlations between self-directed learning ability and the effort factor of self-efficacy. Forth, social support of the female immgrants have influence on their self-efficacy by the ability of seeking learn resources. At last, according above results, the study provided some suggestions for improving the self-efficacy of the female immgrants and the later study.


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