  • 期刊


Regulated Capital Market and Capital Structure Research




How firms finance is the core topic of finance theory. Mainland China introduced the market mechanism into its economy since 1980s and the capital market is developing and improving which nurture a variety of capital structure research. Based on the delineation of the development of the capital market in mainland China, we grouped the capital structure literature in mainland China into four parts, the verification of MM theory, the examination of classical capital structure theory, regulated capital market related research and deregulation related research.


毛新述與周小偉,2015,政治關聯與公開債務融資.會計研究,第 6 期:26-33。(Mao, Xinshu, and Xiaowei Zhou. 2015. Political connections and public debt financing. Accounting Research (6): 26-33.)
王正位、王思敏與朱武祥,2011,股票市場融資管制與公司最優資本結構,管理世界,第 2 期:40-48。(Wang, Zhengwei, Enmin Wang, and Wuxiang Zhu. 2011. The regulation of the financing of stock markets, and the optimal capital structure of companies. Management World (2): 40-48.)
王克敏、楊國超、劉靜與李曉溪,2015,IPO 資源爭奪、政府補助與公司業績研究,管理世界,第 9 期:147-157。(Wang, Kemin, Guochao Yang, Jing Liu, and Xiaoxi Li. 2015. IPO quota contest, government subsidies and firm performance. Management World (9): 147-157.)
王亮亮與王躍堂,2015,企業研發投入與資本結構選擇—基於非債務稅盾視角的分析,中國工業經濟,第 11 期:125-140。(Wang, Liang-Liang, and Yue-Tang Wang. 2015. R&D investment and the choice of capital structure—An analysis from the perspective of non-debt related tax shields. China Industrial Economics (11): 125-140.)
王亮亮與王躍堂,2016,工資稅盾、替代效應與資本結構.,金融研究,第 7 期:113-133。(Wang, Liangliang, and Yuetang Wang. 2016. Wage-related tax shields,substitution effect and capital structure. Journal of Financial Research (7): 113-133.)
