  • 期刊


A Study on the Relationship amid Local Tourism Marketing, Community Consciousness and Well-being in Zuoying District




Local governments have started holding various cultural activities to satisfy domestic travel demand since the system of five-day work week initiates. With such local culture-oriented events, it aims to promote tourism and attract visitors to bring forth new life and vitality locally. Generally, local tourism is to associate with communities so that locals are able to recognize and embrace their values while visitors are also aware and enjoy such events. A successful local tourism marketing campaign lies in community consciousness to which locals are connected and unite by exploring and experiencing their own features. With such process, locals develop a sense of honor, connection and interaction leading to their increase of happiness. The study investigated locals in Tso Ying District as samples to analyze the relationship amid local marketing, community consciousness and happiness. From March 1 to March 15, 600 questionnaires were released and 534 valid copies were retrieved in line with return rate of 89%. The results are as follows: 1. local tourism marketing owns predictive ability over community consciousness. 2. community consciousness has predictive ability over a sense of happiness. 3. local tourism marketing has predictive ability over a sense of happiness. Furthermore, we make following suggestions: 1. Place more emphasis on the event contents in relation with local tourism marketing. 2. Strengthen community organization to lift the image. 3. Infuse more local elements and increase localized identity.


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