  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influence of the Relationship amoung Community, Consciousness Leisure Participation and Community Cohesion of Residents.

指導教授 : 鄭政宗


摘要 本研究主要探討居民其社區意識、休閒參與對社區凝聚力關係之影響,以閩南、客家、原住民三個類型社區居民為研究對象,採系統抽樣方式選取研究樣本,進行問卷調查,發放420份問卷,回收400份問卷,有效問卷共340 份,研究結果如下: 一、 整體而言,居民其社區意識都是良好的,但其休閒參與並不高,但有較高的社區凝聚力。 二、 居民之社區意識,因居民的「年齡」、「職業」、「婚姻狀況」、「教育程度」、「宗教信仰」、「居住時間」與「個人月收入」不同而有顯著差異。 三、 居民之休閒參與,因居民的「性別」、「年齡」、「職業」、「婚姻狀況」、「教育程度」、「宗教信仰」、「居住時間」與「個人月收入」不同而有顯著差異。 四、 居民之社區凝聚力,因居民的「性別」、「年齡」、「職業」、「婚姻狀況」、「教育程度」、「宗教信仰」、「居住時間」與「個人月收入」不同而有顯 著差異。 五、 社區意識與休閒參與皆會正向影響社區凝聚力,亦即社區意識越高,其休閒參與愈高,社區凝聚力也就愈高,但在模式中,休閒參與並不會明顯影響社區凝聚力,亦即休閒參與之頻率與時間的多寡,並不會影響社區凝聚力強弱。 依據本研究結果,提出建議如后:希望社區能鼓勵居民主動參與社區休閒活動,並針對不同類型社區需求,設計休閒活動,進一步提升社區意識層次,強化社區凝聚力、加強鄰里之間的互動,以期許未來能夠藉由居民休閒參與,提升社區凝聚力。


Abstract This study explores the influences of the relationships between “community consciousnesses”, “leisure participation” and “community cohesion”. Research subjects are residents from three types of communities, including Taiwanese Southern Min, Hakka, and aborigine. Research samples had been selected via systematic sampling for questionnaire survey. A total of 420 questionnaires had been distributed and 400 of them had been retrieved with 340 being effective. The results of this research are listed below: 1. Generally speaking, the condition of residents’ “community consciousnesses” is positive, with low “leisure participation” and high “community cohesion”. 2. Residents’ “community consciousnesses” differs significantly with their “age”, “occupation”, “marital status”, “education”, “religion”, “time of residence”, and “individual monthly salary”. 3. Residents’ “leisure participation” differs significantly with their “gender”, “age”, “occupation”, “marital status”, “education”, “religion”, “time of residence”, and “individual monthly salary”. 4. Residents’ “community cohesion” differs significantly with their “gender”, “age”, “occupation”, “marital status”, “education”, “religion”, “time of residence”, and “individual monthly salary”. 5. Both “community consciousness” and “leisure participation” have positive influences on “community cohesion”, which means, the higher “community consciousness” is, the higher “leisure participation” is, and the higher “community cohesion” gets. But according to the model, the influence of “leisure participation” on “community cohesion” is not significant, in other words, the frequency and time for participating in leisure activities have no influence on the degree of community cohesion. Suggestions made according to the results of this study are listed below: It is hoped that communities can encourage residents participating leisure activities voluntarily, and design leisure activities according to demands from different types of communities to further improve the level of “community consciousness”, strengthening “community cohesion”, enhancing the interactions between neighborhoods. It is expected that, in the future, with residents’ participation in leisure activities, “community cohesion” will be strengthened.


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