  • 期刊


The Analysis for Usage of Elementary School's ICT-A case of an elementary school in Kaohsiung City


近年來資訊與通訊科技(Information and Communication Technology,簡稱ICT)已融入人類生活,並應用於教育。自2009年起,教育部逐年編列經費,大力擴充中小學資訊教學設備,以改善學校教學環境,提升國家競爭力。同時政府推動行政電子化,欲使行政更有效率,以期能與世界先進國家接軌。在校園內,最常使用資訊設備的分別為教師與行政人員。教師運用資訊設備進行教學,以達成所欲教授學生的學習目標。行政人員則運用資訊設備推動校務,使學校事務進行得更順暢,以期校務蒸蒸日上。本研究以高雄市某國小為研究對象,探討校園內資訊化設備使用之現況。分冸尌行政人員與非行政人員(教師)進行問卷調查,並運用SPSS統計軟體中的描述性統計、t考驗和單因子變異數分析等方式進行分析,進而了解兩者使用資訊化設備之異同。自教育部陸續投入大量經費於教育至今,其成效難以界定,但與歐美已進步國家相比較之下,我們的教育依然有很大的進步空間。希望本研究能提供學校未來在有限之經費下,規劃最佳採購計畫,使經費能發揮其最大效用。


In recent years, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become integral to human life and is being successfully applied to educational systems around the world. In Taiwan, the Ministry of Education has acknowledged this fact and has been funding ICT teaching resources and equipment since 2009. The application of ICT in the Taiwanese education system makes teaching environments and administrative procedures more efficient and therefore enhances national competitiveness, whilst also enabling Taiwan to keep pace with international pedagogical standards. The utilization of ICT in Taiwanese schools has not only made it easier for educators to create relevant and stimulating learning material for students but has also been used successfully by administrative personnel to promote positive school attributes and facilities, thus helping to raise the domestic educational benchmarks. The research for this paper was conducted at an elementary school in Kaohsiung City and involved giving teachers and administration personnel detailed questionnaires about their use of ICT in their respective roles at the school. The results were analyzed using SPSS statistical software, including descriptive statistics, t-test and one way ANOVA in order to locate commonalities in the use of ICT equipment. With the vast amount of resources provided by the Ministry of Education, and the complexity of allocation it becomes difficult to pinpoint the most effective way of implementing ICT. However, it is hoped that the information herein can provide schools with a useful reference point and possible suggestions when planning resource procurement.
