  • 會議論文

以SharePoint Team Services實踐教師知識管理之研究

A Study on Implementation of Knowledge Management for Teachers through SharePoint Team Service


在資訊轉化成知識的過程中,資訊科技扮演了畫龍點睛般的重要角色。沒有好的工具,再好的知識,也只能少數人受用,無法爲大家所善用,因此在邁進新經濟時代的同時,必須有效的掌握資訊科技的發展,創造知識管理的最高價值。SharePoint Team Services軟體是Office XP中最新的工具,它不僅便利於IT人員設計且能提供知識工作者輕易地分享知識與協同作業,故本研究旨在建立一適合高職機械科教師實踐個人知識管理的資訊平台,並經由個案教師的參與應用,探求高職機械科教師以資訊平台實踐知識管理的成效。爲達成研究目的,本研究除了進行實驗前、中、後期的教師深度訪談,並編製「教師使用知識管理平台之自陳量表」、「知識管理平台之觀察紀錄表」、「教師應用知識管理平台之問卷調查」等量表爲研究工具。所得資料經分析後,獲得下列研究結論: (一)教師在使用知識管理資訊平台後,均持高度的評價,且態度上有明顯的轉變,對知識管理的概念由初期的模糊蛻變至後期的清晰與注重實踐。 (二)教師在知識取得、分享、應用與創造內涵上,以學科內容相關知識(CK)爲最多,而教學方法相關知識(PK)爲最少。 (三)參與實驗教師認爲,知識管理資訊平台提供的專業知識需不斷給予擴充及更新,提升老師在閱讀與分享上的實用性。 (四)教師之間若能建立互信與分享的文化,可增進教師實踐知識管理。 (五)本研究所設計的資訊平台,實驗教師認爲在「功能性」、「操作方便性」均爲理想,而在「互動性」、「即時性」尚可。 (六)SharePoint Team Service軟體雖可將文件與資料集中管理於網站中的個人資料庫,進行知識管理。但經由實驗教師實際使用後,建議該應用軟體應可做部份修正。 (七)本研究所設計的資訊平台,只提供教師間的知識管理,未來可加以實驗擴充至老師與學生之間、老師與家長之間的知識管理。


During the process of transforming information into knowledge, information technology plays a vital role. Without good tools, even the most useful knowledge can only be accessible to some privileged people. As a result, when entering the new economics era, we have to understand the development of information technology in order to maximize the value of knowledge management. SharePoint Team Services is the latest application software of Office XP, which makes it easier not only for IT people to design but for knowledge workers to share knowledge and collaborate on certain assignments. Therefore, this study aims to build an information platform for teachers of mechanical department in occupational high schools to practice knowledge management, and to further appraise its performance. To achieve this research objective, we have conducted preliminary, interim, and post-experiment interviews with teachers, as well as prepared such research tools as Self- Assessment Measuring Form for Teachers Using the Knowledge Platform, Observation Form for Knowledge Platform, and Questionnaire on the Application of the Knowledge Platform for Teachers. We then analyze the data and acquire the following conclusions: 1. Teachers all speak high of the knowledge management platform after using it, and their concept toward knowledge management has turned from vagueness to a more clear and implementation-driven direction. 2. The acquisition, sharing, application and creation of knowledge for teachers centers more on CK, yet least on PK. 3. Teachers involved in this research experiment think that the professional knowledge stored in the knowledge management platform should be constantly expanded and updated to enhance its usefulness. 4. If a trustful and sharing culture can be formed among teachers, it will also help them implement knowledge management. 5. Teachers involved in this research think that the information platform we designed is appropriate in terms of functionality and ease of operation, and tolerable for interactivity and immediacy. 6. Though Share Point Team Service is capable of storing documents and information in the personal database on the website, teachers involved in this research suggest partial modification should be made for this software. 7. This information platform serves to offer knowledge management for and among teachers. It is feasible to advance it to the level of knowledge management between teachers and students, as well as teachers and parents.
