  • 期刊


Exploring the Effects of Self-Concept and Interpersonal Relationship Who Attends the Music Program for Middle-Aged and Elderly Adults in Community


本研究運用音樂治療理論為基礎發展出音樂方案,以台南社區樂齡中心的20位中高齡者為研究對象,研究目的在於探討中高齡者參與音樂方案後,對其自我概念與人際關係之影響。本研究採用「音樂方案滿意度調查問卷」、「自我概念量表」及「人際關係量表」以蒐集參與者對整體方案的滿意情形及自我概念和人際關係學習成效,並依據研究目的發展出「半結構式訪談大綱」以進行質性資料的蒐集。經由量化統計與質性資料分析結果發現,中高齡者對整體音樂方案的滿意度平均數為4.63(Likert five points scale),並認為音樂方案有助於提升其正向自我概念及人際溝通能力。本研究依據研究發現提出以下四項結論:1.社區中高齡學習者對整體音樂方案極為滿意;2.音樂方案能增強社區中高齡者建構正向自我概念之發展;3.音樂方案能促進社區中高齡者的人際關係技巧與溝通能力;4.社區中高齡者希望在進行音樂方案時能受到尊重避免被以「老人」對待。並提出四點建議:1.依據社區中高齡者之自我概念現況,以設計提升其正向自我概念的音樂方案;2.實施中高齡者音樂方案須以社區為單位,並做長期規劃以協助中高齡者建立新的人際互動網絡;3.規劃中高齡學習課程應適度融入音樂方案,以提升中高齡者自我概念與人際關係;4.實施社區中高齡者音樂方案需要了解其心理與學習特性及避免對「老化」的負向偏見。


This study develops the music program that is based on the theory of music therapy. The subjects of this study are 20 middle-aged and elderly adults at happy age center in Tainan community. The purpose of this research is exploring the effects of self-concept and interpersonal relationship of middle-aged and elderly adults who attends the music program. The ”Satisfaction survey of music program”, ”Self-concept Scale” and ”Interpersonal relationship Scale” were used to survey the learning effects of whom they attend this music program. The ”semi-structured interview outline” was developed according to research purposes and used to collect the qualitative data. By quantitative statistics, the average scores of overall satisfaction with the music program is 4.63 (Likert five points scale), the learning effects of Self-concept is 3.17, and the learning effects of Interpersonal relationship is 3.25. The qualitative data analysis shows the music program can enhance their positive self-concept and advance their interpersonal relationship. Based on these findings, we proposed four conclusions, they are: 1. The music program was satisfied by middle-aged and elderly adults in community. 2. the music program can enhance their development of positive self-concept. 3. The music program can help them to promote their interpersonal skills and communication skills. 4. All the persons when they attend this music program hope to be respected and avoid treating as ”old people”. There are four recommendations were proposed by this study. It includes: 1. the design of music program to enhance positive self-concept of middle-aged and elderly adults should be based on their present situations. 2. To implement the music program should be community-based, and to plan a long term program should help them to establish a new interpersonal relation network. 3. It should be embedded the music program to all of the learning programs for middle-aged and elderly adults to enhance their self-conception and interpersonal relationships. 4. When we implement the music program for middle-aged and elderly adults who need to understand their characteristics of learning psychology, and avoid the negative bias of ”aging”.


