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Effects of Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Plant Densities on the Yield of Liangnuo NO. 1 (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)^1


本研究以糯性高粱“兩糯一號”品種為試驗材料,於2014年春作及秋作共二個期作進行氮肥用量試驗及栽培密度試驗。試驗結果顯示,春作增施氮肥可縮短生育期,氮肥用量180 kg/ha較對照組之生育日數少4天,秋作氮肥量處理對生育日數則無顯著影響,且氮肥處理間之株高、穗長、千粒重及公頃產量等性狀亦無顯著差異。栽培密度試驗,春作與秋作之產量均顯著受栽培密度之影響,均以栽培密度50×10 cm^2之公頃產量最高,其中春作產量為2,787 kg/ha;秋作產量為4,911 kg/ha,顯示適當密植可增加產量,但對株高、穗長與千粒重等性狀無顯著差異。不同期作間的氮肥用量及栽培密度試驗除千粒重無顯著差異外,其他性狀均呈顯著差異,秋作產量顯著高於春作產量。因此,建議“兩糯一號”於臺灣春季及秋季均以栽培密度50×10 cm^2栽培最適當,於兩季之氮肥用量則推薦以120kg/ha 用量以符合經濟效益。


In this research, the of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer and plant density on grain yield of waxy sorghum variety Liangnuo NO. 1 were investigated in spring and fall, 2014. The result indicated that days to maturity in the 180 kg/ha level treatment was 4 days earlier than the control in spring, but there was no significant difference in fall. There were also no significant differences on plant height, spike length, 1000 grains weight and grain yield in nitrogen fertilization test. The plant density treatment of 50×10cm^2 had the highest grain yield. There were no significant differences on other phenotypes in plant density test. Grain yield in fall crop was higher than spring. Therefore, it is suggested that Liangnuo NO. is proved to grow in both seasons with 50×10cm^2 in Taiwan. The optimal nitrogen fertilization rate is 120 kg/ha.
