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Effects of Organic Fertilizer on the Production of Non-astringent Persimmon


本文目的擬探討使用有機質肥料對甜柿生長及土壤特性之影響,以期做為甜柿栽培管理研究及應用之參考。為期能讓有機質肥料的使用效益發揮最大,有機質肥料的腐熟度及養分含量等特性,均應能夠達到穩定的品質標準。另本場已成功研發利用木黴菌(Trichoderma sp.)接種於堆 肥製作,除可以加速堆肥腐熟及減少臭味,當施用於田間土壤,亦可以促進土壤有機質分解,增進作物養分吸收與生長。本項生物性堆肥製作方法已完成技術轉移予堆肥製作廠商。一般有機質必須經過微生物之分解作用,才能礦化釋出養分供作物吸收利用。然則當有機質礦化釋出養分太早、或累積太多、或待作物生長旺期過後才分解釋出者,皆不利作物生長。若有機質肥料等肥料的養分成份能巧妙配合作物需求,則將使肥料的效益發揮大。由中部地區甜柿葉片主要養分含量推薦適宜值顯示,氮含量為2.19〜2.67%,磷含量為0.12〜0.16%,鉀含量為2.50〜3.76%,換算成氮:磷:鉀含量比例約為17:1:22。當長期使用腐熟且品質良好的有機質肥料,可以改善土壤理化特性,包括降低土壤總體密度及土壤硬度、增加土壤水分含量等,同時能夠增加土壤pH值、有機質含量及有效性磷、交換性鉀、交換性鈣、交換性鎂含量等土壤肥力特性。因此,適當的使用有機質肥料是甜柿最重要的栽培管理技術之一。


甜柿 有機質肥料 土壤肥力


The purpose of this article was to review papers concerning the effects of the application of organic fertilizer on the soil fertility and the growth of non-astringent persimmon. In order to maintain the soil fertility in good levels and increases the yield and qualities of crops after application of organic fertilizer. The quality of organic fertilizer should be controlled under safety requirements. The addition of Trichoderma sp. on the production of rice hull compost and sawdust bagasse compost had a significant effect of shortens the maturated time, and the composts had more stable qualities. These techniques have transferred to the compost company. The products have been on sale in market and used in farmland for improving the soil properties.The most efficient way to use organic fertilizers was to know their potentially available nutrient and manage their mineralization rates to meet the amounts of nutrients needed for crops. The proper levels of leaf nutrient contents of non-astringent persimmon were N 2.19~2.67%, P 0.12~0.16%, K 2.50~3.76%, and the ratio of N:P:K was 17:1:22. Therefore, the nutrient contents of organic fertilizer could be managed and meet this ratio for improving the nutrient uptakes of non-astringent persimmon. The result indicated that the soil properties could be improved on the application of matured organic fertilizer. However, the soil bulk density and hardness could be reduced, the soil pH and the contents of soil organic matter, available phosphate, exchanged potassium, exchanged calcium, exchanged magnesium could be increased. Therefore, the application of organic fertilizer was very important on the production of non-astringent persimmon.


