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On Visitor Satisfaction and Art Museum Overseas Interactive Multimedia Exhibitions


多媒體互動展不僅可以提供觀眾新穎的遊賞體驗,也較博物館的真品易於移動,再現和複製也十分便利,因此可以作為博物館至海外展覽的替代性選擇。但是,國內博物館界對於多媒體互動展的相關研究不多,海外展覽問題的探討則更少。本文以故宮2012 年洛杉磯「故宮數位畫時代」多媒體互動展為例,以問卷法調查觀眾意見,並以SPSS 第21 版進行量化分析(含敘述統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析),探討海外數位展的滿意度相關問題。結果顯示,互動裝置在不同文化背景觀眾的滿意度上並無明顯差異,但強調漢字演進的影片,其滿意度會因觀眾文化背景的不同而有顯著差異;在互動裝置的可操作性滿意度上,部分互動裝置亦因觀眾文化背景的不同而有所差異;而敘事性較強、較強調文化特徵的影片,則是較高齡觀眾比年輕觀眾的滿意度高;而較為敘述性且無對白聲光效果的影片,則是女性滿意度比男性高;在空間及導覽服務上則普遍相當滿意;觀眾主要獲知消息的管道,則以親友告知或介紹而來。


博物館 互動展 多媒體 海外 展覽


Interactive multimedia exhibitions not only entertain visitors by providing an innovative museum experience, but also make museum collections more mobile when compared with viewing actual artworks on site. Therefore, interactive multimedia can be a good alternative for museums to exhibit artworks in other cities and countries. However, to date, little research has been conducted on the topic of interactive multimedia exhibitions within Taiwan's museum community, and especially on overseas exhibitions organized by Taiwan's museums. The aim of this article was to analyze the satisfaction of visitors to the "Epoch-making Digitization in the National Palace Museum: Past-Future" interactive multimedia special exhibition held in Los Angeles in 2012. SPSS version 21 was used to perform quantitative analyses (including descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and correlation analysis) to explore visitor satisfaction with various aspects of this exhibition. The results showed no significant differences in satisfaction with interactive devices among visitors from different cultures. However, there were highly significant differences in satisfaction among visitors of different cultures concerning films that focused on Chinese character evolution. There was also large variation in satisfaction in terms of the operability of particular interactive devices among visitors of different cultural backgrounds. Satisfaction was higher among older visitors than among younger visitors for narrative films that focused on cultural identity. Female visitor satisfaction was higher than male satisfaction regarding descriptive films without dialogue or special effects. Satisfaction was generally high for spatial arrangement and interpretative service. Finally, the main sources of information about this exhibition were family and friends and recommendation.


museum interactive exhibition multimedia oversea exhibition




Shen, P. H. (2016). 互動多媒體展覽之專屬感營造機制 [master's thesis, National Cheng Kung University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0026-0006202200000115
