  • 期刊


Effects of bacitracin, nosiheptide and oxytetracycline on intestinal epithelial permeability, intestinal flora and bacterial translocation in broilers


本試驗探討飼糧中添加不同抗生素對肉雞腸道上皮通透性、腸道菌相及細菌轉移之影響。選取192隻1日齡愛拔益加肉雛雞,逢機分為對照組(control, CON)、枯草菌素(bacitracin)55 ppm、六肽黴素(nosiheptide)2.5 ppm及羥四環黴素 (oxytetracycline, OTC)55 ppm四組。每處理組4重複,每重複12隻。分別於3週及6週時,進行肉雞腸道電生理及腸道免疫能力之測定。結果顯示,添加三種抗生素皆不會影響腸道的組織電位差(potential difference, PD)、離子電流(short-circuit current, Isc)及電導係數(conductance, G)。飼糧中添加3種抗生素,對腸道中大腸桿菌、乳酸菌及腸球菌的組成無顯著影響,但3種抗生素皆於3週齡時顯著減少腸道細菌轉移至肝臟的數量(P < 0.05),而以六肽黴素抑菌效果最好。在對照組中,0週及3週細菌轉移到肝臟總菌數高於6週(P = 0.13,0.08),顯示肉雞在3週齡之前腸道屏障功能較為脆弱。綜上所述,肉雞飼糧補充枯草菌素、六肽黴素或羥四環黴素能抑制細菌侵入,減少轉移進入體內的機會。惟飼糧中可添加抗生素種類業已限縮,應積極開發具類似抑菌功能之飼料添加物以替代抗生素。


This study aimed to investigate the effect of adding supplemental antibiotics to intestinal bacterial composition, bacterial translocation to organs and intestinal permeability. One hundred and ninety-two broilers were randomly allocated to 4 treatments with 4 replicates of 12 birds each. The 4 treatments were: control (CON), dietary supplementation with bacitracin (55 ppm), nosiheptide (2.5 ppm), and oxytetracycline (55 ppm). The intestinal bacterial composition, bacterial translocation to organs, and intestinal permeability were measured at 3-wks and 6-wks of age. Results showed that adding the three antibiotics did not affect the potential difference (PD), short-circuit current (Isc) and conductance of intestines, not did it have any significant impact on the bacterial composition in Coliform, Enterococcus, and Lactobacilli. However, all supplemental antibiotics decreased total bacteria count in the liver of birds at age of 3 wks (P < 0.05), while nosiheptide had the best bacteriostatic effect. In the control group, the total bacteria transferred to the liver at 0 and 3 wks was higher than that at 6 wks (P = 0.13, 0.08), suggesting that intestinal barrier function was vulnerable in broilers during younger ages. Our findings indicated that supplementation of the 3 different types of antibiotics reduced the incidence of bacterial invasion and translocation into the liver to a great extent due to their beneficial effects on the improvement of intestinal barrier integrity. Because these three growth-promoting antibiotics have been banned after this study, feed additives with similar antibacterial functions should be developed to replace antibiotics.
