  • 學位論文


A Spatial-Temporal Exploration of Genealogy Books: The Taiwanese Genealogy Catalogue Collected by The Genealogical Society of Utah

指導教授 : 賴進貴


族譜是中國文化的一種特色,是記載一個血緣家族世系與事蹟的文獻史料。族譜影響時間及層面之遠大,往往超乎其他史料。族譜記錄所涵蓋的時間,不僅跨越人的世代,甚至是跨越世紀與朝代。族譜資料所透露訊息,大則可以看出國家民族的興衰,小則可以看到個人生命歷程。族譜也傳遞豐富的人口訊息,例如:不同時代的人口數量、婚姻狀況、男女比例、出生率、死亡率、壽命、平均年齡等等資訊。近年來,兩岸三地及美國、加拿大等,不論公部門或私人單位,學術界或民間團體,逐漸興起民間文獻與地方史料的蒐集與研究,除了建立資料庫,也有對所蒐集的龐大資料進行後設資料 (metadata) 處理,以利各界研究運用。猶他家譜學會從1975年開始,在台灣地區進行族譜調查與蒐集,並編輯成台灣族譜目錄。本研究嘗試以地理學取徑,透過文獻探討,將「猶他家譜學會調查之台灣族譜目錄初稿」作為研究樣本,以Excel 建立資料表,再運用SPSS統計軟體產生次數分配表,再以R統計軟體中的 FactoMineR 套件,對台灣地區族譜調查資料進行對應分析( correspondence analysis , CA),藉以觀察族譜資料中所涵蓋的有關族群、祖籍、年代、族譜所在行政區域,以及族譜的版本型式,探索出台灣地區族譜調查結果的時間與地理空間現象。對應分析結果顯示,除了族譜年代與族群沒有顯著的關係以外,其餘的9項對應分析:族譜主要姓氏與族譜版本型式、主要姓氏與族譜編印年代、主要姓氏與族譜所在行政區、主要姓氏與族群關係、族譜版本型式與年代、族譜所在地區與族譜版本型式、族譜版別與族群關係、族譜所在縣市與族譜年代、族譜所在縣市與族群關係,其統計顯著值均小於0.05,顯示均有高度相關。由此結論得知,族譜資料的議題足堪更深、更廣的探討與分析。 關鍵字:族譜、民間文獻、對應分析、時空資訊、猶他家譜學會


This research explores the spatial and temporal patterns as revealed in the Taiwan genealogical catalogue. Genealogy books can be seen as a kind of local historical documents. It is a Chinese tradition to keep genealogy books so that family members and key events in the family can be recorded. From Han majority to other ethnic minority groups, from royal families to normal citizens, many people can find their family records through genealogy books. When Han migrated from mainland China to Taiwan more than three hundred years ago, they developed the land of Taiwan. Genealogy books that they kept allow researchers to understand the clusters of families, their migration patterns as well as the evolution of different regions in Taiwan. In a large scale, one can observe how the society evolves. In a small scale, one can get a glimpse into an individual’s life path. In addition, genealogy books store abundant demographic information, allowing us to understand the marital status, gender distribution, birth rate, death rate, life span and other information of residents in different areas. In recent years, there is a rising interest to collect and analyze local historical documents such as genealogy books from public, private, academic and civil organizations in China, Taiwan, the United States and Canada. The aim is not only to establish database gleaned from genealogy books, but also to manage metadata so as to facilitate further research. Against this background, since 1975, The Genealogical Society of Utah starts to survey and collect genealogy books in Taiwan and further compiles a Taiwan genealogical catalogue. This study analyzes the draft manuscript of the catalogue collected by The Genealogical Society of Utah. Information such as ethnicity, ancestry, years of publishing genealogy books, administration regions where genealogy books are located, and different styles of creating genealogy books (e.g., hand-written, printed) are stored in Excel file. Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) is used to generate frequency and contingency tables, while FactoMineR package in R is used to run correspondence analysis (CA) to further explore the temporal and spatial patterns. Correspondence analysis shows that, except for the relationship between the years of publishing genealogy books and ethnicity which is not statistically significant, there is statistically significant association (p < 0.05) between variables of 1) surname and style, 2) surname and publication year, 3) surname and region where a particular genealogy book is located, 4) surname and ethnicity, 5) style and publication year, 6) region where a particular genealogy book is located and style, 7) style and ethnicity, 8) region where a particular genealogy book is located and publication year, and lastly 9) region where a particular genealogy book is located and ethnicity. Since the results of correspondence analysis indicate highly significant association among those attributes, it is worthwhile to explore and analyze the genealogical dataset more thoroughly and extensively in future research. Keywords: Genealogy Books, Local Historical Documents, Correspondence Analysis, Temporal-spatial data, Genealogical Society of Utah


