  • 學位論文


Formulation of Vitality Herbal Tea with Wakefulness-promoting Potential

指導教授 : 張育森


現代人普遍工作時數長、 壓力大, 許多人經常飲用咖啡以保持工作時清醒和提神狀態。前人研究指出喝咖啡可提升精神狀態和增進工作表現。腎上腺皮質醇 (cortisol)是HPA axis的重要產物,為一常用生理指標,可藉由該指標的變化觀察人體對壓力的反應。 HPA axis(Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical) 為人體調控壓力反應之主要荷爾蒙系統,當壓力來臨時, 該系統則被啟動, 刺激腎上腺皮質醇之分泌,其影響遍及全身各器官。 由於Cortisol含量可由唾液中測得,具非侵入性、 簡便和高準確度之優點, 經常做為人體生理和精神狀態評估之重要指標, 尤其是壓力反應之量測。 第三章試驗擬藉由【喝咖啡提神模式】 , 經由對受試者睡意程度分級之Stanford Sleepiness Scale問卷調查及其腎上腺皮質醇(cortisol)之測定, 分析提神效果與腎上腺皮質醇之關係。 12位受試者飲用咖啡前進行唾液中 cortisol含量前測, 飲用200mL (102.7 mg咖啡因 )熱咖啡後, 每30分鐘進行一次後測, 並同時調查其睡意, 總共6次。 試驗結果顯示, 受試者在飲用咖啡後30分鐘睡意明顯降低;尤其前晚睡眠多於7小時及平時少喝咖啡者, 喝咖啡後睡意程度下降較明顯且cortisol含量上升較迅速。 經由上述結果得知, 喝咖啡後提神效果與cortisol 上升呈正相關性;且以前晚睡眠充足者和平時少喝咖啡者效果較為顯著。 第四章試驗進行活力香草茶配方之適口性調查。 試驗提供包含包種茶及不含包種茶之香草茶配方組合, 並在含包種茶及不含包種茶之香草茶配方中各選出一款最受歡迎配方。 試驗以一人一票方式篩選,得票數最高者獲勝。最後選出含包種茶之最佳香草茶配方為 “包種茶、薄荷、桂花、甜菊” , 而不含包種茶之最佳香草茶配方為 “迷迭香、薄荷、桂花、甜菊” 。由此試驗可得知濃郁花香普遍受歡迎, 適合添加於活力香草茶配方。 第五章試驗擬探討臺灣大學園藝暨景觀學系花卉研究室研發之『活力香草茶』配方對受試者反應速率、專注力和提神程度之促進效果,以及對其cortisol 反應之影響,評估開發具提神效果之無咖啡因香草茶飲料之可行性。試驗對受試者進行接尺測驗(ruler drop test)及心算測驗(serial 7 subtractions)測定其反應時間及專注力,並經由唾液檢測受試者腎上腺皮質醇反應,同時以問卷調查受試者自我評分之睡意指數(Stanford Sleepiness Scale) 作為提神程度判定依據。 結果顯示受試者於飲用香草茶後,其腎上腺皮質醇濃度顯著下降,反應速率及專注力皆優於對照組,睡意指數亦出現降低趨勢。由於『活力香草茶』成份天然溫和,配方組合達到提神與緩解壓力效果,且提供豐富口感,未來應具發展潛力。


Coffee is commonly consumed for its effects in reducing sleepiness, lifting the spirit, improving mood and performance. Cortisol is a commonly used biomarker reflecting human response to stress or challenge. HPA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical) axis is a major endocrine system responsible for the regulation of stress response and is activated upon stress, leading to the secretion of cortisol which impacts various parts of the body. The status of cortisol as an important marker for human physiological and psychological conditions can be attributed to the non-invasive and easy determination of cortisol level, which can be measured with high accuracy from human saliva. Cortisol is of particular interest and importance when it comes to investigating stress response. In chapter 3, an observational study on the effects of coffee on cortisol response was conducted. Twelve participants were given coffee treatment in the afternoon. Their baseline cortisol levels before the treatment were measured and five additional measurements after the treatment were taken. Subjective sleepiness was measured based on the Stanford Sleepiness Scale. The results showed that subjective sleepiness diminished and cortisol levels were raised 30 min after coffee treatment, particularly for those who had at least 7 hours of sleep the night before or were not habitual coffee drinkers. In chapter 4, consumer preferences for different herbal tea formulas were surveyed. Two sets of experiment were carried out where the first set used herb combinations with paochung tea and the second set used herb combinations without paochung tea. In each set of experiments, a winning formula with potential for future commercial production was selected. In chapter 5, the winning herbal tea formula from chapter 4 was investigated for its potential in promoting wakefulness. Ruler drop test and serial subtractions were performed to assess reaction time, attention and working memory of participants. Salivary cortisol response to the herbal tea was determined. Subjective sleepiness was also measured using the Stanford Sleepiness Scale. The results showed subject improvements in both ruler drop test and the test of serial 7 subtractions. Cortisol levels declined for the majority. The herbal tea produced a mild yet visible arousal effect while reduced tension. A potential for positive lifting effect from the herbal tea has been demonstrated.


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