  • 學位論文


A Study on Taiwan’s Cultural Heritage Preservation Act : A Historical Institutionalist Perspective

指導教授 : 陳明通


本論文係依據歷史制度論為研究理論核心,分析臺灣《文化資產保存法》自戰後到現今法令路徑變遷的所有過程,並提出其未來可能之走向。   臺灣現行《文化資產保存法》前身為中華民國《古物保存法》,係中華民國國民政府於1931年在中國大陸時期所訂定,但由於立法後戰事頻仍、政局動盪等諸多因素干擾,《古物保存法》一直未能有效施行,形同虛設。此外,1931年的臺灣事實上是在日本帝國的統轄之下,以日本本土的《史蹟名勝天然紀念物保存法》為法源依據,並已經有了文資保存的基本雛形,直至戰後才改由中華民國《古物保存法》繼續作為相關法令的最高標準,並在1982年才進行《文化資產保存法》的立法,並沿用至今。意即臺灣的文資保存法令系統始萌芽於日治臺灣時期的《史蹟名勝天然紀念物保存法》、接枝於戰後中華民國政府的《古物保存法》,最終在臺灣生根茁壯為《文化資產保存法》。   本研究以歷史制度論中的路徑依循模型,觀察《文化資產保存法》一路以來的變遷過程,發現1982年的第一版立法、2005年的第二版修法和2016年的第三版修法,分別和路徑依循的模型架構相吻合,並持續朝第四版的修法路徑前進,本研究依此觀察結果提出未來《文化資產保存法》的相關修法方向建議,以及相關後續研究之建言,期能為臺灣文資保存工作略盡棉薄之力。


This study adapted the perspective of historical institutionalism to analyze path of changes of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act since the end of World War II. Legalization of Antiques Preservation is the former of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, which was made by Chinese government in 1931. However, due to frequent wars and political chaos on that time, it was not well-conducted. In addition, Taiwan was a colony of Japan during that time, it’s regulations of cultural heritage also based on Japan’s the Historical Spot, Scenic Beauty and Natural Monument Preservation Law. It was not until the end of WWII and the Republic of China (R.O.C) took control that the Legalization of Antiques Preservation served as the supreme law of cultural heritage preservation in Taiwan. In short, the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act is rooted in Japan’s the Historical Spot, Scenic Beauty and Natural Monument Preservation Law and grafted with R.O.C’s Legalization of Antiques Preservation. Moreover, by using historical institutionalism as the research approach, this study suggested that the law-making process of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, regardless of the first version in 1982, the second version in 2005, or the third version in 2016, which were all fitted into models of path dependent. Finally, this study proposed possible amendments of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act in future, and also provided some opinions and suggestions for respective competent authorities and the future studies.


