  • 學位論文


Effects of Temperature and Light Quality on Curd Initiation of Cauliflower

指導教授 : 楊雯如


臺灣地處熱帶及亞熱帶邊界,中南部地區秋冬冷涼乾燥氣候適於蔬菜採種,花椰菜種子(Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis)是其中大宗,不僅供應國內市場也熱銷海外,極具商機。臺灣雖以早生、耐熱品種為優勢,但為求育種資源豐富,晚生種、極晚生種的利用有其必要。本試驗探討不同生育期品種的花球誘導特性, 於栽培時給予春化及光質處理,期增進臺灣花椰菜的基礎生理研究資料。 早生種花椰菜F1品種‘CF520’於相對較高的誘導溫度21/15 oC中育苗,會使幼苗於第三片本葉展開即陸續進入生殖生長,後續產生鈕扣花球、失去定植意義;提高育苗溫度到21/21oC或25/21oC可使植株在第5片葉展開時仍維持在營養生長狀態,定植操作建議下修至第三片本葉展開時期,莖頂基部寬度5-6 mm為分生組織生育相轉變期。中生種花椰菜F1品種‘CF17501’於生長箱21/15 oC育苗,第五片葉展開時仍維持營養生長態,於臺北冬季定植,可獲得發育完整之花球,後續花芽分化、開花與結籽狀況良好;其幼年期約結束在第13片展開葉之前,莖頂基部寬度6-7 mm為分生組織生育相轉變期。同樣育苗條件與栽培環境,晚生OP品種‘CF120’可達到花球創始階段,但花球後續皆因「逆春化」轉入營養生長態而出現帶葉花球,無商品價值也無花朵開放,顯示環境低溫可滿足其花球誘導,但後續不足;其幼年期約結束在第16片本葉展開以前,莖頂基部寬度在約7.05-9.78 mm達到轉變期,個體間特徵差異大。 花椰菜定植至花球創始之時間品種間差異大,且受栽培溫度、春化與光質處理的影響。21/15 oC栽培溫度下,早生種‘CF520’無春化需求;春化處理可顯著縮短中生種‘CF17501’定植至花球創始之時間,但HR作用效果不顯著;春化及HR處理都可縮短晚生種‘CF120’定植至花球創始之時間。提高栽培溫度到25/15 oC時,春化或HR處理對‘CF17501’有顯著縮短效果,兩者並有交感作用;對於 ‘CF120’,春化及HR處理效果都很顯著,而在LR下無春化處理者植株不會進入生殖生長。


Taiwan is located at the boundary between tropical and sub-tropical climates. In the central and south parts of Taiwan, the weather in autumn and winter is usually cool and dry which is suitable for vegetable seeds collecting. Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis)seeds, as one of the staples, are sufficient to saticfy internal demand and even to be exported, with potential business opportunities. Early-mature and cultivar with heat-tolerant character are advantages of Taiwan cauliflower, but to develop the exploitation of late-matured and extreme late-matured cultivars is indispensable in order to seeking for plentiful breeding resources. This study focuses on the curd induction character of cultivars with different growth period, which was carried by giving vernalization and light quality treatment to plants during the cultivation period, hoping to further the basic physiological research data of cauliflower in Taiwan. Raising seedlings in relatively higher inducing temperature 21/15 oC, early-mature F1‘CF520’ continually entered reproductive growth phase with three true leaves unfolded. And later ‘CF520’ had “buttoning” phenomenon, with no value to be transplanted. However, increasing the temperature to 21/21 oC or 25/21 oC made seedlings maintained at vegetative state when the 5th true leaf unfolded; thus, the timing of transplanting ‘CF520’ is recommend to when the 3rd leaf unfolds. In 21/15 oC growth chamber of raising period, medium-mature F1 ‘CF17501’ maintained at vegetative state when the 5th leaf unfolded. Transplanted in winter, Taipe, they could produce intact curds, and the floral induction, flowering and seed setting all went well. The juvenility of ‘CF17501’ ended up before the 13th leaves unfolded, and the shoot apical meristem(SAM) entered phase transition when the base of shoot apex grew to 6-7 mm in width. At the same raising and cultivation environment, the late-mature op ‘CF120’ could entered curd initiation phase; however, curds later all turned into vegetative growth with “leafy” appearance because of devernalization, losing values and not flowered at the end. This phenomenon means there was enough environmental chilling for curd induction of ‘CF120’, but not enough further. The juvenility of ‘CF120’ ended up before the 16th leaves unfolded, and the SAM entered phase transition when the base of shoot apex grew to 7.05-9.78 mm in width. Many characters beween samples were quite different probably because of OP cultivar. The time from being transplanted to curd initiation of cauliflower was quite different due to cultivars, and also affected by temperature during cultivation, vernalization treatment and light quality. In 21/15 oC growing temperature, early-mature ‘CF520’ had no vernalization requirement; vernalization treatment could obviously shorten the time from being transplanted to curd initiation of ‘CF17501’, but high-ratio redlight(HR) did not affect it distinctly. Vernalization and HR all could shorten the time from being transplanted to curd initiation of ‘CF120’. When raising the temperature to 25/15 oC, vernalization or HR had the shortening effect for ‘CF17501’, and there was interaction between vernalization and light quality. For ‘CF120’, vernalization and HR all had obvious shortening effect, and plants under LR without vernalization treatment could not enter reproductive growth.


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