  • 學位論文


Mentoring Functions, Organizational Identification and Leadership Satisfaction

指導教授 : 戚樹誠


師徒制度是國內外企業普遍採用的員工訓練方式。根據學者Scandura的統計,財星五百大企業之中,71%的企業設有師徒制(EMBA雜誌編輯部,2009),國內亦有福特六和、花旗、渣打等企業使用師徒制度訓練新進員工。本研究針對外商金融業的師徒制度進行調查,希冀能夠了解師徒制度下的師徒功能和徒弟組織認同、領導滿足之間的關係。並從師徒個人特徵一致性為出發點,進一步探討師徒性別一致性、教育程度一致性對師徒功能和徒弟組織認同、領導滿足的影響。 本研究對該外商金融業招收之實習生進行調查,共發放問卷76份,回收70份,有效問卷為66份,有效回收率為86.8%。運用統計套裝軟體SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) 進行研究資料分析後,主要發現如下: 1.師徒功能中的職涯功能與角色模範功能對組織認同有正向的影響,且為顯著正向之關係,表示徒弟對於職涯功能與角色模範功能的認知越高,組織認同越高。 2.師徒教育程度一致性在職涯功能對組織認同的正向影響中,具有正向強化的調節作用。表示當師父與徒弟的教育程度一致時,徒弟認知之職涯功能對組織認同的正向影響愈來愈強。 3.師徒教育程度一致性對徒弟之領導滿足有正向的影響,且為顯著正向之關係,表示當師徒教育程度一致時,徒弟之領導滿足較師徒教育程度不一致時來的高。 本研究給管理者之管理意涵,建議企業若欲提高新進員工之組織認同,則施行師徒制度將有利於達到此一目的。同時,企業在不違背師徒意願的前提下,可進行教育程度相近的配對。此種配對有利於雙方之互動,徒弟易有較高之領導滿足。除了建議後續研究可擴大產業範圍進行調查,針對導師和徒弟進行配對問卷,並且更加深入的探討各個變項之間的關係,以獲得更全面性的、更符合實務狀況的研究結果。


Many companies have implemented the mentoring system these days. It has been suggested that the system is beneficial to companies, boosting employee job satisfication and being a good start for new employees. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among the perception of mentoring, organizational identification and leadership satisfication of proteges. In addition, we examined the moderating effects of matching demographics of mentor- proteges on the above relationships.   The research sample includes a total of 66 proteges of a commercial bank in Taiwan. Results of statistical analyses are as follows: 1. The perceived mentoring functions, especially in the career and role function, exerted a positive impact on proteges’s organizational identification. The more perceived career and role functions that a protege perceived, the higher degree of organizational identification he/she possessed. 2. Matching educational level had a significant moderating effect on the relationship between perceived career function and protege’s organizational identification. That is, the mentor-protege pairs with the same level of education had a more positive relationship between perceived career function and organizational identification. 3. Matching educational level had a positive impact on protege’s leadership satisfication. Mentor-protege with the same level of education perceived higher satisfication with their mentor. The higher perceived mentoring function, the higher degree of organizational identification.   The study proposes some suggestions and recommendations. Businesses should establish mentorship in the organizations to promote mentoring functions so that their employees may possess higher degree of organizational identification. Also, mentor-protege pairs are suggested to have a similar level of education.


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