  • 學位論文


Study on German Foreign Policy: 1998-2009

指導教授 : 張亞中


自二次世界大戰以來,德國發展出以克制文化、多邊主義為特色的外交政策方向,成功重獲國際社會認同,達到兩德統一的目標,總理柯爾為免統一後德國再度造成各國疑慮,堅定向歐洲表達持續德國戰後路線的決心,使德國外交政策透露出一脈相承的連續性。 1998年10月27日施洛德領導社會民主黨在大選中獲勝,成功當選德國聯邦總理,富有個人魅力與看法的施洛德讓德國外交政策出現了新風貌:德國開始追求在國際的「大國地位」,尋求聯合國常任理事國席位、要求在歐盟中得到相對應的影響力,與法俄聯合,共同拒絕美國出兵伊拉克的提案,德國外交政策的連續性卻因而受到考驗。 2005年基民盟領袖梅克爾為了執政,決定與社民黨合組大聯盟政府,雙方簽約表示願將包含外交部長等八個內閣職位交給社民黨,使其外交路線不致偏離施洛德時期模式,但是來自東歐,具有物理學家背景的梅克爾甫一上台,便在國際舞台中展現其富有彈性的外交手腕,德國外交政策在兩任總理之間展現出令人注目的新風貌。 現實主義者相信,統一之後德國應會遠離多邊主義、降低合作意願,甚至開始追尋在歐洲的霸權地位,但是德國已深嵌入國際體制,並成為高度依賴國際貿易的國家,這些因素對德國外交政策的影響亦不容忽視。從1998年到2009年,在新的世紀之交,德國外交政策是否會偏離傳統路線,走向霸權?當今德國推動外交政策背後的核心觀念是否仍和統一之初相同?影響德國外交政策的主要因素又為何?本文希望藉由比較施洛德與梅克爾兩位總理執政時的外交政策軌跡,對德國外交政策走向做出深入剖析,期能對德國統一後外交政策形成進一步瞭解。


施洛德 梅克爾 德國外交


Since the 1950s, self-limitation and multilateralism have played the central role in Germany foreign policy. These characters helped Germany get back to the international society and achieved the goal of reunification. The main architects of the German reunification, Chancellor Helmut Kohl, understood the threaten that an unified Germany might bring to its neighbor countries and insisted to show the continuity of Germany foreign policy after the Second World War. On 27 October 1998, the charisma leader of SPD, Gerhard Schröder, won the election and formed SPD-Green coalition. Followed is the different style of Germany’s foreign policy: Germany start to pursue its international status, try to become an influential player in the world politics. Therefore, the continuity of Germany’s foreign policy also faced the suspicious from all parties. In 2005, Angela Merkel replaced Schröder, became the first female chancellor in the Germany history and led the grand coalition which was composed of SPD, CDU and CSU. Her East Germany origin and the physic background make her quite differ from her predecessor. And her flexible diplomacy skills also impressed the world. Germany’s foreign policy revealed variety between two chancellors. However, traditional discussions of “German question” still haven’t got a clear answer. This thesis trying to compare the foreign policy between chancellor Schröder and Merkel through observe Germany’s diplomacy trajectory from 1998 to 2009. This thesis expect to help people realize Germany’s foreign policy more comprehensively base on such observation.


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