  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張文貞


以效能、彈性、專業與去政治化為建制理念的行政法人制度,在我國乃是一項全新的制度。雖然,行政法人建制的背景符合我國的需求,特別是為了因應全球化的競爭壓力,期以公私混合的彈性組織,結合民間力量、發揮效率,並且迅速回應國際競爭壓力。但是,行政法人建制卻引起各界諸多質疑。同時,此等質疑的焦點乃是集中在對於行政法人的民主正當性與責任監督不足之關切。從而,在經過進一步探討這些質疑背後原由,本文歸納出這些質疑往往陷入傳統憲政主義的窠臼。亦即,狹隘地以代議民主為中心的傳統民主原則,以及以國會監督為本位的責任政治原則來檢視行政法人建制。 然而,本文發現,傳統的代議民主與責任政治原則已經逐漸地產生變動。首先,民主正當性理論的變遷乃是從獨尊國會民主正當性的傳送帶理論,到主張行政權自有正當性而毋庸依賴國會傳送的專業理論、參與理論、尊嚴理論、新民主理念、憲政民主正當性理論,以及全球化觀點的民主正當性理論。其次,以國會監督本位的責任政治原則,其內涵亦逐漸發生變遷。亦即,從傳統偏向紅燈理論、權力限制論、層級節制與責任監督等對於行政權採取限制權力的面向,逐漸轉向綠燈理論、議題整合論、績效課責、管理效率等強調提升行政權的效率與效能,甚至,責任政治原則與新民主原則結合。亦即,主張決策過程應更為透明公開、有更多參與暨論辯。因此,要求行政法人必須有國會立法傳送民主正當性,以及須由國會直接監督行政法人已非必然。 所以,在新的民主與責任理論的基礎上。本文希望透過行政法人建制的再形塑,其包括藉由行政法人的透明公開制度、行政法人的參與制度、行政法人的論辯制度、國會仍維持一定的直接與間接監督機制來監督行政法人,以及事後的績效課責的制度與救濟機制。一方面,化解對於行政法人之民主正當性疑義與責任監督不足的質疑,另一方面,能夠提升行政法人的效率和效能。 再者,在本文所論述的新理論與新制度的基礎上,本文乃分別自行政法人的設立規定、行政法人的人事任命制度、行政法人的決策程序、行政法人監督制度等四個面向,檢討目前我國行政法人法草案的制度設計,並且提出應進一步補強與再形塑我國行政法人建制的制度設計,以作為未來的立法建議。最後,本文認為這些制度設計,應該有積極的機關內部文化和主動積極的公民意識作為制度配套,以使行政法人建制運作良善。


With the goal of effect, flexibility, profession and depoliticization, administrative corporation is established as an all-new system in our country. Although, the administrative corporation is set up to meet the need of Taiwan's governmental reform, especially for responding the competition pressure of the globalization, which is expected to combine with the civil power, to promote efficiency, and to respond to the international competition pressure quickly through the flexible public and private hybrid organization. However, the administrative corporation has caused the public many queries. Meanwhile, these queries focus on concerns about the democratic legitimacy and accountabilities of the administrative corporation. Thus, through a further study for the reasons of these queries, this text induces that the key reasoning of these concerns is usually to get bogged down in the traditional constitutional government doctrines. That is, narrowly by representative democracy-centered traditional democracy principle, and by the principle of political accountability based on the legislature-supervised to examine the system of administrative corporation. However, this text detect that, the principle of traditional representative democracy and the principle of political accountability have already produced the fluctuation gradually. Firstly, the theory of democratic legitimacy has changed, which is from focused on the legislature transmits legitimacy to the executive (i.e. transmission belt theory) to focused on claiming that the executive is able to be legitimized from profession, participation, dignitary procedure, new democratic participation, dualist democracy, and the global perspective democratic legitimacy. Secondly, the content of the political accountability principle based on the legislature-supervised also changes gradually. That is, from the dimension that inclines towards restriction on the administrative power to the dimension that inclines towards emphasis on promoting the efficiency and the effect of the administrative power. Even, the political accountability principle combines with the new democracy principle. That is, assert to make the process of policy much more transparent and open, and make much more participation and deliberation in the procedure of policy-making. Therefore, it is unnecessary to insist that by


秦裕傑,<博物館行政法人化之商榷>,《博物館學季刊》, 第17卷第2期,頁107-108。
Aman,Alfred J.,2002,Globalization,Democracy,and the Need for a New Administrative Law, 49 UCLA REV. 1687.
Ackerman, Bruce,1997,The Rise of World Constitutonalism,83 VA L.REV. 771.


郭任昇(2007)。從憲法觀點檢討獨立行政機關 -以設置必要性、職權與組織為中心〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.02808
