  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Foreign Investment in the Group Enterprises

指導教授 : 柯承恩


為配合證券市場自由化與國際化的世界潮流,我國自民國82年開始採取逐步開放的方式引進外國專業投資機構(QFII)投資我國股市。民國85年完成了「三階段開放國內市場」的開放政策,民國92年取消QFII投資限額規定,並於同年10月廢除QFII制度,大幅簡化華僑及外國人投資國內證券的申請程序。隨著政策的逐漸鬆綁,使得外資大量湧入國內股市,更讓外資的角色日益吃重,成為引領股市的重要指標。 然而近幾年來,國內外相繼暴發企業舞弊的案例,不但使得投資人失去信心,也讓公司治理機制受到重視,因此本研究欲從外資的觀點出發,瞭解外資在進行投資時,是否會將公司治理制度作為參考的因素之一。 本研究以台灣地區集團企業248家上市公司為研究對象,探討公司治理機制對外資選股策略的影響,其中公司治理機制主要分為四個構面,包括:(一)股權結構:此部分的變數納入了「轉投資公司家數」、「轉投資金額」與是否「存在複雜股權(金字塔結構或交叉持股)」。(二)最終控制股東股權:以最終控制股東控制權與現金流量權之「絕對偏離」與「相對偏離」表示之。(三)監督機制:以「次大股東持股比率」、「控制股東成員是否兼任董事長與總經理」、「控制股東成員擔任董監事的比率」與「獨立董事的比率」表示之。(四)資訊透明度:以證券暨期貨發展基金會公佈之2003年資訊揭露評鑑結果為衡量的依據。 研究結果發現,在股權結構方面,轉投資公司家數以及是否存在複雜股權結構(金字塔結構或交叉持股)與外資持股呈現顯著負相關;而在最終控制股東股權方面,無論是絕對偏離或是相對偏離都會顯著的影響外資的投資意願;在監督機制方面,外資認同次大股東持股與獨立董事發揮的制衡力量;在資訊透明度方面,亦可看出外資對透明度高的公司有較高的評價。 此外若將樣本進一步區分為電子業與非電子業進行t檢定,結果發現電子業的外資持股比率較非電子業高,亦有較佳的公司治理機制。而在產業別的迴歸結果中發現,外資無論在電子業或是非電子業,對於公司治理的看法大致相同,不過在非電子業外資與公司治理機制有較明顯的關係。


Abstract In response to the trend of liberalization and globalization, the Taiwan government has gradually lifted the restrictions on foreign investment in the domestic stock market. Therefore, the trading volume and amounts of foreign investment increase significantly and the influence of foreign investors is getting more and more important. In recent years, a series of financial scandals not only beat investors’ confidence, but also make both the practice and the academic pay much more attention to corporate governance mechanism. Thus, this research examines whether corporate governance mechanism affects foreign investors’ investment strategies. This research uses 248 listed companies of group business in Taiwan as research examples to investigate the relationship between foreign investment and corporate governance consisting of four dimensions: ownership structure, ultimate owner’s right, monitoring mechanisms and information transparency. The ownership structure variables include the numbers of invested subsidiaries, the cost of equity investments and “whether controlling shareholders use pyramids or cross-holdings to control companies”. The ultimate owner’s right is measured by the degree of control rights deviating from cash flow right. The monitoring mechanisms variables include the share-holding percentage of the second largest shareholder, “whether the chairman and CEO are the members of controlling shareholders”, the percentage of board seats occupied by the controlling shareholders and the percentage of outside directors on the board. The transparency is measured according to 2003 information transparency and disclosures ranking results conducted by the Securities and Futures Institute. The empirical results suggest that the numbers of invested subsidiaries and “whether controlling shareholders use pyramids or cross-holdings to control companies” are negatively related with foreign investment. Besides, the more controlling shareholders’ control rights deviate from cash flow right, the less desire foreign investors have for investment. The results also find that both the share-holding percentage of the second largest shareholder and the percentage of outside directors on the board influence foreign investors’ considerations significantly. On the other hand, the share-holding percentage of foreign investors in the electronic industry is more than that in the non-electronic industry, and the corporate governance mechanism in the electronic industry is also better than that in the non-electronic industry. Besides, foreign investors show the same attitude to corporate governance in the electronic and non-electronic industry, but the relationship between foreign investment and corporate governance in the non-electronic industry is more significant than that in the electronic industry.




