  • 學位論文


A Study on the Strategic Transformation of Traditional Real Estate Enterprises — a Case Study of A Group

指導教授 : 李吉仁


自2003年起,國家對房地產行業的調控進入常態化。逆水行舟、不進則退,每一輪調控,既是強者恒強、擴大市場份額的最佳機會,亦是各項新政壓力下倒逼房企戰略轉型的時代潮流。同時,伴隨著我國經濟發展進入新常態,經濟增速放緩,宏觀經濟進入調整期,經濟、政策背景更為複雜。這一時期,土地供給減少、需求放緩、行業盈利能力在下降、企業利潤趨於平緩,融資成本增加、投資風險加大、政策調控趨於常態化,傳統房地產企業面臨巨大的轉型壓力。2020年突如其來的新冠疫情,地產企業又面臨客流驟降、免租倡議的重創,使得轉型壓力劇增。A集團作為典型的中國傳統房地產企業,深耕上海與海南兩地,得益於中國經濟迅猛發展的同時,在新常態下也面臨著轉型的緊迫壓力。 本文在文獻研究的基礎上,結合宏觀環境、中觀環境、內部環境的系統分析,國內外房地產企業的戰略轉型的案例分析,歸納了傳統房地產企業戰略轉型路徑,並以A集團為例,對企業層面的戰略轉型動因進行了深入研究,基於此,構建了三步驟的戰略轉型理論模型。


Since 2003, the state regulation of the real estate industry has been normalized. Every round of regulation and control is not only the best opportunity for the strong to keep strong and expand market share, but also the time to force the strategic transformation of real estate enterprises under the pressure of various new policies. At the same time, with China's economic development entering the "new normal", the economic growth slows down, the macro-economy enters the adjustment period, and the economic and policy background is even more complex. During this period, the land supply decreases, the demand slows down, the industry's profitability declines, the enterprise's profit tends to be flat, the financing cost increases, the investment risk increases, and the policy control tends to be normalized. Traditional real estate enterprises face great pressure of transformation. In 2020, with the sudden outbreak of the new crown virus, real estate enterprises are facing a sharp drop in passenger flow and the heavy hit of rent-free initiatives, which makes the transformation pressure sharply increased. As a typical Chinese traditional real estate enterprise, Group Company A is deeply involved in Shanghai and Hainan, benefiting from the rapid development of China's economy, while facing the urgent pressure of transformation under the new normal. Based on a thorough literature research, combined with the systematic analysis of the macro environment, industry environment and internal environment of the industry, and the case analysis of the strategic transformation of domestic and foreign real estate enterprises, this paper summarizes the strategic transformation path of traditional real estate enterprises, and makes an in-depth study of the strategic transformation motivation of Group Company A. By taking Group Company A as an example, this paper makes an in-depth study on the motivation of strategic transformation at the enterprise level. Furthermore, a three-step theoretical model of strategic transformation is constructed.


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