  • 學位論文


Reducing Food Waste in Food Supply Chain Based on E-Commerce Platform Model

指導教授 : 游張松


本研究針對現在逐漸受到重視的糧食浪費與伴隨的環境污染問題,從瞭解食物供應鏈各環節的活動切入,探尋造成糧食浪費的原因,最後提出以電子商務為主軸的平台模式,運用網際網路、雲端、平台、資料庫等技術,改善食物供應鏈中存在已久的浪費問題。 本研究提出之平台模式架構如下: 1.建立電子商務(E-Commerce)平台模式: 首先,透過電子商務平台模式,串聯供應方廠商、需求方的消費者與物流業者,改善傳統食物供應鏈的資訊不對稱與串接不良的問題,降低傳統食物供應鏈的交易成本。並且,透過多方的資訊連結,確保食物資源獲得最大比例的運用,減少浪費之情事。另外,於平台上開闢精品型商店區域,供商品價值與價格遠高於傳統通路平均標準的廠商,能夠順利接觸到相對應的需求方消費者,卻又不會對普通的優質商品造成不當的評比壓力,因此,整體來說,有助於做大食物供應鏈產業的市場,促進食物供應鏈產業合理比例的差異化與加值轉型發展。 2.建立顧客關係管理系統(CRM): 此為平台用以同時服務供應方廠商與需求方消費者,並且也有惠於平台自身的機制。首先,針對平台本身與供應方廠商的服務,持續向需求方消費者蒐集評價回饋,幫助平台與廠商,瞭解自身的優缺點,以及與客群的契合程度,並依此進行調整,例如:改正自身缺點、針對不同客群進行精準行銷,最終提升競爭能力。其次,平台與供應方廠商針對需求方消費者的回饋進行自我修正的過程中,等同漸漸貼近需求方消費者的真正需求,可節省需求方消費者無謂的搜索與比較需耗費的時間和精力。 3.利用平台累積大數據(Big Data) : 利用網際網路、雲端資料庫建立電子商務平台的初衷,是要優化食物供應鏈中的資訊流通,促進食物供應鏈中的所有平台參與者產生協同作用,如此不僅可減少溝通過程的時間與資源浪費,也可減少溝通不良所造成的資源與食物浪費。另外,當透過平台追蹤交易流程並將全部的交易流程與細節資料記錄於雲端資料庫後,久而久之,累積為大數據,再經過仔細的整理、爬梳後,可萃出寶貴的商業訊息或商業知識(Business Intelligence)。因此,平台除了自身會利用大數據作為持續優化的利器外,也願意與平台上的供應方廠商分享資料庫裡承載的大量資料,助其持續進步,與平台相輔相成,促進正向的價值循環。


The study concentrates on the food waste problem and the pollution problem coming after. These problems are increasingly significant. The study starts with understanding all the segment activities in the food supply chain in order to find out the causes of food waste. After that, the study then comes out with a solution based on E-Commerce platform. For developing an E-Commerce platform to solve the food waste problem that have existed for a long time, internet, Cloud and database are necessary. The followings are key elements of the platform: 1)Build up an E-Commerce platform: To improve the the inefficiency of information transfer and to solve the problem of information asymmetry in the food supply chain, the study suggests that to build up an E-Commerce platform connecting suppliers, consumers and shipping carriers. The strong connections can help decrease transaction costs and insure that the food resources are much better consumed, that is, less food waste since then. Furthermore, there is a specific area for high-ticket products, for those suppliers who provide both high value-added and high price products to be able to gain access to their target customers. A separated area for these high-ticket-product providers can also avoid the unnecessary and inappropriate competition tension between high-ticket-product providers and common-product providers. The separation of two different markets can extend the whole market size of food industry and so to foster the improvement of it. 2)Build up a customer relationship management system: The customer relationship management system can be beneficial to the platform itself, the suppliers and the consumers. First, for the platform and the suppliers, the responses from consumers which are gathered through the customer relationship management system make them understand their strengths and weaknesses and if they fully match the consumers’ needs. Then, the platform and the suppliers can fix the problems based on the responses and more precisely target at the real target customers. This can help the platform and the suppliers strengthen their competitive competences. Second, the more the consumers’ needs fulfilled because of the keep improving process of the platform and the suppliers, the less time-consuming will be for the consumers to find the products they really want. 3)Transform the big data into business intelligence: The motivation of building an E-Commerce platform with internet, cloud and database is to enhance the smoothness of information flow and thus enhance the collaboration between all players in the food supply chain. Besides, tracking the transaction processes and accumulate all the data on cloud based on the E-Commerce platform can create big data. Then, big data can be transformed into business analysis through appropriate analysis. Thus, not only will the platform itself but also the suppliers will make use of the big data. The E-Commerce platform is willing to share the big data with the suppliers on the platform to help them keep improving themselves. The study believes that if the platform and the suppliers co-work and prosper, it may create a positive value creation cycle.


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