  • 學位論文


The Homeland Security Organization and Functions of Taiwan's Coast Guard Administration

指導教授 : 沈明室


本論文以我國海巡署與執行國土安全維護相關的組織與功能為主要研究對象,並探討海巡署從2000年成立至今以來(2016年),這些組織與功能的執行成效、面臨之問題為何?以及最重要的,如何解決這些問題,使與其相關的國土安全得以強化。本論文的研究方法為「文獻分析法」及「深度訪談法」,研究途徑為「歷史研究途徑」。而流程則是先檢視海巡署三大前身單位的組織與功能後,接著以國土安全的角度檢視海巡署成立至今的組織與功能,最後提出問題解決方案並檢視已通過立法的海洋委員會及其下轄海巡署之組織與功能。   本論文分為六章,內容如下概述:   第一章:本章為緒論,包含本論文之研究動機、研究目的、文獻檢閱、研究方法、研究途徑、研究範圍、研究限制、研究架構與章節安排。   第二章:本章重點在我國海巡署的三大前身機關:原警政署水上警察局、原國防部海岸巡防司令部與部分財政部關稅總局(現在的關務署)的水上緝私單位,並探討它們的歷史沿革、組織及功能,最後再以本論文檢視海岸巡防機關執行國土安全的功能來對其分析。   第三章:本章主要探討我國海巡署從成立至今的組織,是否適合海巡維護與其相關之國土安全任務。而本章將組織分類為:「體制設計」、「組織結構」與「能量」三大類,並以與海巡相關的國土安全角度來對其進行檢視。   第四章:本章主要探討我國海巡署從成立至今,與國土安全相關的功能是否得以有效維護相對應之國土安全。而本章依海巡署之三大核心任務,分別將其分類為:「海域執法」、「海事服務」與「海洋事務」。此外,再加上國土安全中的「國防準備」及「災防準備」予以探討。   第五章:此章將前兩章所發現之問題分門別類,並將解決方案以「近程」(兩年內能做到的)和「中、遠程」(兩年以上才能做到的)之形式提出建言。最後對2015年6月16日通過立法之海洋委員會與其下海巡署的組織與功能做一概略式的檢視。   第六章:此章為結論章,包含本論文之研究回顧、研究檢討、研究心得、研究建議及未來展望。


海巡署 海岸巡防 國土安全


The thesis is discussing the organizations and functions of R.O.C. Coast Guard Administration(CGA) from 2000 to 2016, and focus on its aspect of keeping homeland security. On the thesis, the effects of CGA’s organizations and functions would be inspected, also the challenges that CGA is facing; moreover, the thesis provides solutions to settle those problems, and strengthen homeland security which relating to CGA’s functions. In addition, “Document analysis” and “in-depth interview” are used as research methods, together with “historical approach” as research approach. The full text contains six chapters, and could be outlined as following: Chapter 1: Introduction, which includes research motives, research objectives, literature review, research method, research approach, field of research, research limitations, conceptual framework, and the structure of thesis. Chapter 2: This chapter focuses on the three main former units of CGA, the “Coast Guard Command, Department of Defense,” the “National Police Agency Water Police Department,” and part of the “General Administration of Customs and Anti-Smuggling,” and discusses their histories, organizations, functions, and the performances on implementing homeland security. Chapter 3: This chapter analyzes whether current organizations of CGA is satisfying to accomplish relative homeland security missions; In this chapter, CGA’s organizations are divided into “System Design”, “Organizational Structure” and “Capabilities” to have a more thorough study Chapter 4: This chapter focuses on the functional side of CGA to examine result of implementing coast guard relative homeland security missions; with the view of those relative homeland security missions, CGA’s functions are divided into “Maritime Law Enforcement”, “Maritime Services” and “Maritime Affairs” for further discussion. Besides, “National Readiness” and “Disaster Prevention and Response” are also mentioned as missions relating to homeland security. Chapter 5: This chapter lists the problems and challenges of CGA implementing homeland security relative missions is facing, and advises “short-term (in two years)” and “long-term (more than two years)” solutions. Furthermore, this chapter roughly reviews the organizations and functions of OAC and together with the new CGA according to it. Chapter 6: Conclusion, which includes research review, research findings and future perspective.


壹、 中文文獻
