  • 學位論文


A Study of the Process of Promoting Teachers' Professional Development Evaluation Project by Junior High School Directors of Academic Affairs: The Perspectives from Innovation Diffusion

指導教授 : 高熏芳


本研究旨在探討國民中學教務主任以「教師領導」及「變革代理人」兩種身份在推動「試辦教師專業發展評鑑實施計畫」歷程中的作為。本研究之研究對象為臺北市六位國民中學教務主任,以質性研究透過深度訪談嘗試從教師領導的觀點了解教務主任做為變革代理人來推動教師專業發展的變革歷程。本研究之發現如下:   教務主任在推動「試辦教師專業發展評鑑實施計畫」時,一、對試辦計畫均了解其要義、認同該計畫,並會融合其他教育方案一併辦理。二、儘量以更簡化的作法來降低老師們的疑慮外,先爭取「意見領袖」教師的認同,再以群體合作方式鼓勵教師一同參與。三、學校若曾辦理「教學輔導教師」方案,其「準備程度」與「教師文化」則更有利於類似方案的推行。   教務主任在推動「試辦教師專業發展評鑑實施計畫」時,會經歷認知、說服、決策、執行及確認等五個階段,在這五個階段中教務主任會分別執行下列事項:一、認知階段-強調是教師專業發展、強調不與考績掛鈎、強調不會花太多時間而且是對教師有益的、說明自評及互評皆已有版本可選擇使用;二、說服階段-強調教師有高度專業會更符合社會價值標準、鼓勵教師取得證照以突顯專業。三、決策階段-說明「他評」是教師能事先準備好,可以自行挑選時間、班級、方式(現場/錄影) 進行之評鑑、對持反對意見教師提供研習進修機會或遊說。四、執行階段-提供領域講師經費及耗材費等經費、安排初階培訓研習課程及課務排代事宜、實施他評時由行政人員協助調課、鼓勵教師開放教室供他人觀摩及相關資料呈現、協助解決各項問題。五、確認階段-整合方案以減少教師各項相關事宜、依據教師需求安排有意義的研習活動以持續強化教師的動力、教務主任評估歷程之正向效益。   根據研究發現,分別對教育主管機關、教務主任及未來研究分別提出相關建議,以供參考。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the roles of junior high school director of academic affairs as “teacher leadership”and “change agent”during the process of promoting “teachers' professional development evaluation project”. The participants of this study were six directors of academic affairs form different Taipei junior high schools. In-depth interviews were conducted in this qualitative study to understand the views of the leadership of the Director of Academic Affairs trying as a change agent to promote the professional development evaluation of teachers during the process. The findings are as follows: The directors who are responsible for promoting the pilot implementation of the“Teacher Professional Development Evaluation Project" must pay attention to the following tasks : 1.Must understand the meaning of the pilot program and positioning of the plan that will be the integration into other educational programs. 2.Besides a more simplified approach to reduce the concerns of teachers, they must earn the approval of the "opinion leaders", and then co-operatively to encourage teachers to participate together. 3.Schools have held the "Mentor Teacher Program", is more conductive in "readiness" and "teacher culture" to implement similar programs. While promoting the pilot implementation of the "Teacher Professional Development Evaluation Project", directors have experienced five different stages: knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation. In these stages, directors of have implemented the following tasks: 1.Knowledge - Emphasis on teachers’ career development, performance appraisal will not be affected, it will not cost them too much time and it is beneficial to teachers. Both self-assessment and peer assessment have completed models to choose from. 2.Persuasion – To stress that those highly professional teachers will be more in line with the standards of social values, and encourage teachers to obtain more credentials or certifications to highlight their professionalism. 3.Decision – To explain that "peer assessment" can be prepared in advance, teachers can select their own time, classes, methods (live or via recording) for the evaluation, and to provide the oppositions to research further education opportunity or the appeal. 4.Implementation - To provide funding and supplies for specialized lecturers, early stage training courses and classes scheduled rearrangement, administrative assistance on class scheduled rearrangement during peer assessment, encourage teachers to open up the classroom for others to observe and present relevant information, and help others on their problems. 5.Confirmation - Integrate programs to reduce the teachers related issues, arrange meaningful learning activities according to the teachers needs in order to continue to enhance their motivation, and emphasis the positive effects on directors’ assessment. According to research findings, future recommendations were provided to the related authorities on education, director of academic affairs, and future research.




