  • 學位論文


Modern "Mencius" Theory of Human Nature introspection—For interpretation of Sinologists made to reflect

指導教授 : 袁保新


儒學,長久以來一直擔負著傳統中國人心靈之存在秩序與價值秩序安立者的角色。然而,從先秦時期兩位儒家原始心靈孔子、孟子,為儒家思想奠立基礎與宏規之後,歷代儒者對儒家思想,都有不盡相同的理解和引申。馴致二十一世紀,面對西方強勢文化的衝擊,不僅中國的政治、經濟要學習西方的現代化,就是傳統的義理之學,也要參照西方哲學的問題意識、語言概念,建立起足以與西方重要哲學系統,相提並論、異中有同的理論架構。於是,先秦儒學在當代學者不同詮釋進路下,遂成為各種型態的詮釋系統。 本文以當代《孟子》人性論的省察──以漢學家的詮釋所展開的反思為主題,茲分七章進行論述,旨在針對當代學者有關孟子研究的一些爭議性課題,試圖通過思想史的省察及文獻分析等程序,予以廓清與重釋。首先,立基於歷史發展脈絡,掌握孟子經典文獻語義,探掇詮釋關懷的歷史意識,衡定評騭詮釋架構之義理價值。其次,藉由學術研究成績斐然的勞思光先生與當代新儒家的重要代表人物牟宗三先生,對於孟子詮釋的差異所做的反省,深刻觸及了儒家哲學的內在問題,此後關於孟學的探討必然是在他們基礎上的進一步躍升,並試圖為孟子智慧架構出一個開放性的理論系統。接著,追問葛瑞漢、華靄仁以及安樂哲三位漢學家,何以因著解釋傳統經典間的迥異思維,而造成各種不同理解的根據。最後,廓清傳統與當代,為其論點展開貫串鋪陳,既須疏理西方詮釋孟學所引發的爭議,同時又讓其經典發光,並提供另一資藉系統,冀望為孟學詮釋脈絡,提供更佳的論述角度。 就孟子的學術地位在中國歷史上始終是與時俱進而言,我們確信「心」、「性」、「天」、「命」諸概念的思想,雖是迢遙於兩千多年,卻是蘊藏著許多不受時空限制的永恆智慧。不是虛無縹緲的空中樓閣,並非隱藏暗渡的彼岸世界,亦非此岸彼岸兩個世界的對峙關係,而是要活活潑潑投射到那個變化的世界,要投入到那個造化流行當中,去知變而後安變。因為存在是不可阻擋的能動過程,中國學者應基於自己的文化立場來了解中國哲學,以宏觀角度著眼,拋開侷限,轉換視角,卻顧所來徑的洞視能力與豁達工夫。如此,價值心靈憤悱向上的覺情不泯,視得孟學況味,呈顯現代人最明智的抉擇,才能免於惶惶不安而迷失於山窮水盡之中。


孟子 葛瑞漢 華靄仁 安樂哲


For a long period of time, so that traditional Confucianism has been the burden of the presence of the Chinese mind the value of order and order security role. However, since the Qin Dynasty Confucius and Mencius, the Confucian representatives of the two original soul, laid the foundation for the rule of Confucianism, and later thinkers of Confucianism, we have a different understanding and reasoning. To the twenty-first century, the face of the impact of western culture, not only to China's political and economic modernization need to learn from the West, and even the traditional ideological knowledge, but also with reference to awareness of the problem of Western philosophy, language concepts, established to work with the West important philosophical systems, compared with each other, in different places to find the same theoretical framework. Thus, the pre-Qin Confucianism in contemporary scholars approach under different interpretations, so interpretation systems for a variety of patterns. Thesis in Modern "Mencius" Theory of Human Nature introspection as the theme, divided into seven chapters discussed, the purpose for the contemporary scholars in many controversial issues concerning Mencius research, trying to introspection and the history of ideas Document analysis procedures, clarified and reinterpreted. First, starting from the historical development, Mencius master document semantic interpretation of historical consciousness care, interpretation of ideological value judgment architecture. Then, let the achievements of outstanding academic research Professor Lao Sze-kwang and Professor Mou Zong-san , made to reflect different interpretation of Mencius deeply touching to the problems inherent in Confucian philosophy, then, the discussion about Mencius, it must be before then, based on further in their attempt to make the wisdom of architecture Mencius an open theoretical system. Next, Angus C. Graham, Irene Bloom and Roger T. Ames three scholars raised the question, why are not the same interpretation of traditional classics, cause a variety of different understandings basis. Finally, to clarify the traditional and contemporary, explain the western interpretation of Mencius caused controversy, while letting Mencius allows us to reference, hoping to make Mencius interpret context, to provide a better perspective of discourse. In Chinese history, Mencius always have the best academic status, though two thousand years of thought, The Analysis of the Concept of Xin, Xing, Tan, Ming in Mencius' Philosophy, it is treasure eternal wisdom. Not a fantasy can not be achieved, not from the real world, more than two antagonistic relationship in the world, but to lively projected onto the changing world, into the nature of good fortune to know and like change change. Because there is a dynamic process of unstoppable, Chinese scholars should use its position to understand the Chinese culture philosophy, to understand and grasp the overall viewing angle, abandoning restrictions, the ability to change and time of observation. Thus, a sense of spiritual value, the more will get a higher Mencius knowledge, show the modern smartest choice, it will not get lost in uneasy predicament.


Mencius Xin Xing Tan Ming Angus C.Graham Irene Bloom Roger T.Ames


