  • 學位論文


Human-Robot Interactive Distance when Human in Different Postures

指導教授 : 彭瑞玟


隨著科技的進步,機器人的運用在我們的生活中越來越普遍,除了在工廠中常用的之外,人們開始將重心轉移到家用機器人上,因此,有許多人開始研究人類與機器人間的互動。其中,最重要的就是避免機器人入侵人類的個人空間。個人空間是一個真實的人與人之間連續的距離,以人體為中心,無形地伴隨我們移動,視環境、個別差異等內外因素而改變;個人空間遭受侵犯時,可能會產生敵意、不舒服和慌張等情緒反應,或逃走、攻擊等行為。 本研究使用止步距離法,測量人們在室內空間中,與機器人互動時的所需的個人空間,以提供將來在設計家用機器人時的一個重要參考。研究結果發現,當人們在室內空間中與機器人互動時,所需的人機距離約介於100~135cm之間。就接近方向而言,當機器人從正後方接近時,所需的個人空間最大,從斜前方接近時,所需的個人空間則為最小。就位置而言,受試者為面靠牆時,所需個人空間最大,而在空間角落時,所需的個人空間為最小。就姿勢而言,在站姿以及坐姿時所需的個人空間都比躺姿時來的大。


With the progress of science and technology, it is more common to see robots in our lives, study about human-robot interaction is very important at present, especially about how to avoid robot invade human’s personal space. Personal space is a real and continuous distance between human and human, take human body as a center, moving to everywhere when human move. The size and shape of personal space are changing all the time in different situations, when other invading one’s personal space, it may cause threatened feeling and escape or attack reaction. This study use stop-distance method to investigated human-robot interpersonal distance in home scenario. The result proved 4 main point: (1) The HRI distance people maintain in home scenario are between 100~135cm. (2) People need the longest HRI distance when robot came from back, but the shortest when robot came from right-front. (3) People need the longest HRI distance when they face the wall, but the shortest distance when they were in the corner of the room. (4) People need smaller personal space when they are lying down.


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