  • 學位論文

應用知識、態度、行為理論檢視都市自行車騎乘空間之設計- 以臺中市為例

Applying the Theory of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice to Investigate Urban Cycling Space Design – A Case Study of Taichung City

指導教授 : 彭光輝


本研究的主要目的是以知識、態度、行為理論檢視都市自行車騎乘空間之設計。有關知識、態度、行為理論研究在其他領域相當多,然而尚無針對自行車騎乘空間進行相關研究。本研究加入古典空間設計與永續設計理論定義出各類自行車空間特徵及其於自行車交通之應用,透過國外案例分析獲得其核心優劣以轉化適於發展臺灣之設計準則,並進一步發展用以獲取居民對於自行車交通之知識、態度與行為 (KAP)之問卷調查結構,以臺灣台中市為研究地點,針對使用者進行問卷調查方式的資料蒐集。本研究採階段性設計,第一階段對於 知識、態度與行為問項之資訊進行因素分析並針對不同族群透過單因子變異數分析進行檢定;第二階段對於行車路線規劃原則與行車空間設計原則問項之資訊進行因素分析並針對不同族群透過單因子變異數分析進行檢定;第三階段針對全體受訪者及不同族群個別的知識因素、態度因素與行為因素,以及其對於騎乘空間需求之路線特性因素、設施特性因素進行典型相關分析。 研究結果顯示,透過調查受訪者騎乘動機與使用行為資訊,進行因素分析後定義出通勤生活、健康休閒與經濟環保三類因素,並據以執行集群分析以定義使用族群分類。三個使用族群受訪者對於知識技巧因素(K)的注重程度會隨族群不同,其差異程度達顯著的水準。三個使用族群對於效益因素(A)的注重程度會隨族群不同,其差異程度達顯著的水準,然而對於阻礙因素(A)的注重程度,三個使用族群間並無顯著的差異程度。三個使用族群受訪者對於行為涉入因素(P)與行為風險因素(P)的注重程度會隨族群不同,所顯現之差異程度達顯著的水準。三個使用族群受訪者對於路線特性因素(D)的注重程度會隨族群不同,其差異程度達顯著的水準。而三個使用族群對於設施特性因素(D)的注重程度在不同族群間則無顯著的差異。 本研究進一步透過案例分析,範圍涵蓋荷蘭、日本與臺灣等國家,分析個別自行車系統設計規範與政策,以獲得各系統在設計與執行上之核心價值與優劣,並據以擷取適於發展臺灣日後之改良設計準則。在設計準則部分提出下列建議:發展針對區域與鄰里單元之階層自行車交通網絡;優先考慮採用線性公共開放空間與綠地空間;建立公共活動機能間之連結網絡;建立具有連續性、中介性與目標指向性之路線網絡;於鄰里單元內之非主要公共交通服務涵蓋範圍建立輔助性自行車網絡連結;以及選擇社會障礙相對較低之區域進行路線規劃。上述設計準則所建立之都市自行車空間系統在運輸效果方面可提供短程交通具彈性且適用路線多元之特點,而就運輸效率方面可提供30分鐘都市交通時間內之有效替代方案,並且提昇都市交通環境之永續與環保特質。由於本研究針對臺灣台中市作為實驗基地,未來可針對臺灣不同地區之都市民眾進行相關研究比較,並且針對後續採用本文研究成果規劃之自行車騎乘空間系統進行追蹤評估與研究。


The main purpose of this research focuses on investigating the spatial design of urban cycling space through Knowledge, Attitude and Practice theory. There are various applications of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice theory among different research discilines, but it still lack in cycling spatial research. The research investigates a series of classical spatial design and sustainable design theories, and classifies spatial characteristics of difference cycling spaces and the corresponding applications accordingly. An in-depth case study covering various countries is conducted to obtain the core strength & weakness respectively as the references to develop localised design principles for Taiwan. Furthermore, a questionnaire capable of obtaining urban resident’s Knowledge, Attitude and Practice data (KAP) in cycling transportation is developed and then conducted in Taichung City, TAIWAN. A three-step research design is adopted. In the first step, a factor analysis is proceeded for Knowledge, Attitude and Practice questions. One-Way ANOVA is then conducted for different cycling groups. In the second step, a factor analysis is executed for cycling route planning and cycling space design principles. As the first step, One-Way ANOVA is then conducted for different cycling group. In the third step, a Canonical Correlation Analysis is conducted to determine the relationship between KAP and cycling spatial demands, then a comparison among different cycling groups is investigated. The analysis result suggests that cycling moltivation and behaviour information are condensed three factors which are commuting/living, health/leisure and economic/eco-friendly respectively, and a cluster analysis is carried out based on the above three factors to determine cycling groups accordingly. There is a significant difference among the three cycling groups with respect to (K) knowledge/technique factor and (A) effect factor. However, the test result suggests there is no siginificant difference among the three groups regarding (A) barrier factor. Furthermore, there is also a significant difference among three groups concerning (D) route characteristics factor, but the difference is not shown significantly with respect to (D) facility characteristics factor. The research further conducts case studies in cycling spatial design guides & policies covering Netherland, Japan and Taiwan to obtain the core strength & weakness respectively as the references to develop localised design principles for Taiwan. The design principles are concluded as follows: developing regional and neighbourhood hierarchical cycling route network;prior consideration of linear public open space and green space for route planning ; establishing a network connecting public services ; establishing a network with connectivity, mediateness and target-directing nature ; establishing a subsidiary cycling network within the neighbourhood where publich transportations are not in service ; and choosing the areas with comparative low social resistance for route planning. For the aspect of transportation effect, the urban cycling system based on the above design principles provides strength of elastic and alternative route selection for short trips, and for the aspect of transportation efficiency, it provides effective alternative solution for urban trips within 30 minutes and improves sustainable and environment-friendly nature of urban transportation environment. Since Taichung City, TAIWAN is chosen as the experimental area, it is suggested to proceed a series of comparison research among different areas in Taiwan, and hopefully to conduct a follow-up evaluation and research of cycling space system based on the research results suggested.


【8】臺北市政府交通局,(2004),交通局九十三年刊,臺北 : 臺北市政府。
