  • 學位論文


A Study of Affecting Factors on Students’ Satisfaction of Web-Based Learning Systems at National Open University

指導教授 : 蔡銘修


廿一世紀邁入知識經濟時代,因有「科技」與「學習」兩者相輔相成,網路學習發展方興未艾,使學習有別於傳統模式更趨多元與便捷。值此學習型態轉變之際,一向採用多媒體教材致力遠距隔空教育兼具終身學習為宗旨的國立空中大學,如何在一般大學校院及社區大學競爭之下,善用網路學習特色為學校永續經營開闢嶄新路徑,為學生營造一個優質的學習環境,確有其必要性。 本研究旨在探究國立空中大學於推動網路學習環境中,影響學生學習滿意度的相關因素,採文獻分析與問卷調查法進行:文獻分析係針對國立空中大學推動網路學習之現況與政策探究;問卷採便利取樣,自國立空大十三處中心抽取七處中心,並自七處中心隨機選取班級學生進行抽樣,共回收問卷2,195份。經彙整資料處理分析後,獲致以下結論: 一、影響國立空大學生網路學習的相關因素,為學生背景構面之學生每週平均網路學習時數、電腦態度及系統使用構面之認知有用性等三項,可以預測本研究之學生網路學習滿意度。 二、於影響國立空大學生網路學習滿意度的因素中,學生背景構面其分析結果顯示學生每週參與網路學習的平均時數與學習滿意度呈正相關,表示學生參與網路學習的時間愈久,學期數愈多,則對網路學習的滿意度就愈高。 三、電腦態度構面呈正相關,顯見國立空大學生對電腦的觀感、看法與認知愈趨正向、積極,則對網路學習的滿意度就會愈高。 四、就系統使用的構面而言,系統使用之認知有用性呈正相關。顯示出學生普遍認為網路學習對其修課是有效率的,不會錯失修課機會,可節省上課通勤時間,又能空出更多的時間安排其他學習或活動,則在學習上會呈現較高的滿意度。


Twenty first Century is the era of knowledge and economics, and web-based learning has been growing since science and technology integrated with learning. It brings diversity and convenience to the learning trend. The characters of the National Open University on teaching and learning are multi-media and distance learning. It is necessary and important to create a fine learning environment for students and to manage the school by using the character of web-based learning. Regarding to web-based learning, the goal of this research is to investigate the related facts of the influence on students’ learning satisfaction by literature analysis and survey. The literature analysis is based on the actual state and policy of the National Open University web-based learning;the survey focuses on the students of the National Open University by using the random sampling, and receive 2,195 questionnaires . After analyzing, here are the conclusions: 1. The influence factors of the student learning satisfaction are students’ average learning hours each week on web-based learning, the attitude of computer, and how the learning system meets the students’ needs. Those three factors help to forecast the students’ satisfaction in web-based learning. 2. According to the facts of the influence on students’ satisfaction of web-based learning, we found out that student’s average participation hour in web-based learning has positive correlation on the learning satisfaction. It shows the more participation in web-based learning, the higher satisfaction of web-based learning. 3. The attitude of computer has positive correlation with web-based learning satisfaction. We found that if the students of the National Open University have more positive and active impression and opinions towards web-based learning, and the higher satisfaction would be showed. 4. Speaking of the use of system, it shows that students think web-based learning performs positive correlation. It saves time on communicating, makes sure students wouldn’t miss classes, and helps students have more time for other learning activities or classes. The students have higher satisfaction on web-based learning.


Arbaugh, J. B., & Duray, R.(2002). Technological and structural characteristics, student learning and satisfaction with web-based courses: an exploratory study of two on-line MBA programs. Management Learning, 33(3), 331-347.


