  • 學位論文


A Study of Online learners’ Competence of Information Technology and Learning Adjustment of National Open University.

指導教授 : 楊美雪


本研究旨在探討國立空中大學線上學習者在修習網路課程時的學習適應情形,並分析學習者的個人背景特徵及資訊能力在這之間產生的影響。首先,在文獻探討方面,經由國內外相關文獻的彙整和歸納,整理出線上學習者應具備之資訊能力共四個層面,及影響學習適應之因素共五個層面,以作為本研究之架構及理論基礎。 其次,在實證研究方面,以利用國立空中大學網路教學平台學習的學生為研究對象,並以系統隨機的方式寄發問卷填寫邀請函,進行網路問卷調查。接著再將回收之667份有效問卷,以描述性統計、多變項變異數、多元迴歸、典型相關等統計方法進行分析處理。獲得之重要研究結論如下: (一) 線上學習者在資訊能力四個層面上的得分,整體上趨於中上程度,其中以「電腦網路的認知」層面得分較高,「電腦資訊的處理」層面得分相對較低。 (二) 線上學習者的性別、年齡、修課學系及學習經驗不同,在資訊能力上有顯著差異。其中又以男性,年齡在29歲(含)以下,修課學系以管理與資訊學系為主,並具有5年(含)以上網路學習經驗的學習者,在資訊能力上的得分較高。 (三) 線上學習者在學習適應五個層面上的得分,整體上趨於中上程度,其中又以「學習態度」層面的得分較高,「學習互動」層面的得分相對較低。 (四) 線上學習者的學習經驗不同,在學習適應上有顯著差異。其中又以具備3年網路學習經驗的學習者,在學習適應上的得分較高。 (五) 線上學習者的資訊能力能有效的預測或解釋學習適應,其途徑主要是透過「資訊蒐集的能力」,影響學習適應中的「學習態度」和「學習方法」。 最後,根據文獻探討及研究結果,針對推行線上學習之教育單位、線上學習者及後續研究者提出相關之具體建議。


The study was designed to explore the online learning adjustment to the courses, and to analyze the effect which the online learners’ personal background and their IT competence brought on their adaptation. First of all, with the relevant literature and the collective report, Researcher would come to the conclusion about the four dimensions of the IT competence which the online learners need to have, as well as about the five dimensions of the factors which affect learning adjustment. The development of the research framework and theoretical foundation was based on it. Second, in empirical research, this study would take the students from the National Open University who attend online courses as an elective course to be the parent group for the study, which was the resource of data collection. The students would be chosen because of their mailbox at random sampling. Then questionnaires and invitations would be sent to the students’ mailboxes and they would be invited to fill in the Internet questionnaires. After recovering the questionnaires, the information of the 667 valid questionnaires would be analyzed by the statistical methods such as MANOVA, multiple regression, and canonical correlation. The findings of this study were as follows : 1. Online learners’ ability to score in IT competence information belonged to the upper level of the whole. In which, the cognitive dimensions of computer networks had the highest scores, and the computer information processing level had the lowest scores. 2. The differences among the online learners’ genders, ages and learning experience were significantly different on IT competence. Among them, male, aged 29 years (inclusive) below, mainly majoring in the Department of Management and Information Department ; and have 5 years (inclusive) or more online learning experiences had a higher score in the IT competence. 3. The scores of online learners’ in learning adjustment, on the whole, belonged to the upper range, of which "learning attitude" level had the highest score and the "learning interaction" level had the lowest scores. 4. Online learners’ learning experience was different, and it was significantly different in learning adjustment to high scores. Among them, learners who had 3 years experence in web-based learning, had higher scores on learning adjustment. 5. The IT competence of online learners can effectively predict or explain the learning adjustment. Its approach was mainly through the "information gathering capacity" to affect the "learning attitude" and "learning method" of learning adjustment. Finally, according to these findings, this study would like to make concrete suggestions for the educational institutions which engage in online learning activities, online learners, and researchers who would do the follow-up.


