  • 學位論文


Improvement on Disaster Prevention and Rescue Scheme of Taiwan Central Government -After the Typhoon Morakot Disaster

指導教授 : 張寬勇


2009年8月6日至10日期間,中度颱風莫拉克(Morakot)侵襲台灣,造成中南部多個縣市重大災情,當台灣積極策劃紀念八七水災50周年與九二一地震10周年的同時,莫拉克颱風的嚴重災情喚起大家對災難的痛苦記憶。此次風災是自1999年9月21日集集大地震後災情最嚴重天災,也可謂自「災害防救法」通過以來,台灣災害防救體系面臨最嚴峻的考驗。風災所帶來的重大損失讓全國難以接受,然中央政府在救災時的指揮調度失序、未能及時掌握災情、各相關政府部會縱向與橫向聯繫失靈等缺失,引發各界撻伐聲不斷,而諸多的批評則是突顯了中央政府救災體系失靈與亟待檢討改善之處。 然而災害防救業務涉及許多的政府相關部門,如何能在各個不同的政府部門間達到橫向資料交換,以利縱向之災情舒緩,以面對災害的不確定性,非有一災害(或危機)統整機構及完善之防救災體制不可。本論文藉由檢視莫拉克風災期間我國防救災體系的運作情形及缺失,期能提供我國未來修正其架構運作邏輯性及整合性之參考。


During August 6-10, 2009, Typhoon Morakot lashed and devastated parts of southern and eastern Taiwan, actively planned the 50th anniversary of “87 Flood” and the 10th anniversary of “921 Earthquake”, reminding the islanders of tragical memories of natural catastrophes. Severe casualties of Typhoon Morakot are the worst ever since the Chi-Chi earthquake, struck Taiwan in Sep. 21, 1999, and exposed disaster prevention and protection system of Taiwan to harshest task after the passage of “Disaster and Relief Act”. Moreover this disaster not only causes untaken severe loss but reveals the bungle of commandment and dispatch, the failure of disaster governess and data transmission between governmental sections, stirring criticisms all walks of life which highlights the defects of disaster prevention and protection system of central government. Because of the operation of disaster prevention and protection involves with lots of relevant governmental sections, it must to have a united disaster or crisis organization and a mature prevention and protection system to exchange information between different governmental sections and perform rescue task helping deal with the uncertainty factors of disaster. This paper probes into the operation and defects of disaster prevention and protection system during Typhoon Morakot hoping to provide logical and intergraded references for future structural amendment.


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