  • 學位論文


Application of Feng Shui rule on factory site selection

指導教授 : 王河星


本研究試圖分析風水學理論中之「形勢與理氣」結合現代空間環境景觀等,應用於廠房規劃與公司行號選址定向。並針對台灣地區企業工廠進行實證調查、分析與驗證多家企業工廠後,以陽宅風水理論建立工廠與企業選擇層級架構與評估模式,藉由統計演繹之數據,進行比較分析,以做為國人對於利用風水學規劃可以接受的評估準則,使風水學邁向現代化、科學化。 人類面對大自然,選擇適宜的居住環境,由農業社會演進至工業社會,乃至二十一世紀之資訊網路時代,居住場所雖因建築科技發達,往高樓發展,但是人所處之空間因應遮風避雨,生命安全需要的本質是一樣的。風水之學於華人社會歷經千百年而不衰,近百年來中西學者認為風水學包含一個豐富多元的內涵,結合環境與生態學、氣象學、天文學、美學、心理學、地質學、等一種綜合性自然科學,也是一門擇地、環境規劃與景觀藝術專門學問。事實上東方華人社會,於選擇居住環境或是公司工廠選址定向時,參考風水學上的看法甚多。數百年來雖有先賢紀錄其驗證事蹟,惟以統計觀點來分析,古書所載案例之樣本數量不足是驗證上的欠缺之處,也因此使風水有了正反兩方面極端的評價。反對一方有以迷信視之大力批判,而贊成一方則專注於論述其成效卻對其科學內涵未做合理驗證。本文試圖從科學與計量的角度探索趨吉與避凶的因子,找出相關學理依據導引出有用的準則,提供企業界選址定向上之實踐參考。


易經 堪輿 風水 基地分析 選址定向


This study investigates the theory and skill of traditional culture of Chinese Geomancy (Feng-shui).The subject intends to examine carefully the application of Feng-shui on enterprise’s factory site selects. By the process and analysis of many enterprise’s factories in Taiwan .To evaluate and statistic analysis to get the consequence. Besides, it is to combine the ideas of modern architecture, furthermore, and to make the ancient concept useful. However, the dualism of science and superstition borne in geomancy has made this study encountering many barriers. Environmental Feng Shui can be seen as the hope of the environmental protection for Chinese. People choice the fittest environment to live, from socity to industry socity. In 21-century the Information –Fast grow, the arctechcle skill progress faster. Live environment change the nature characteristic. Feng-shui helps people chase the good development many things. Even much comments for fetish, the other much better experience in consummate fruition. The theory of Feng-shui is very complex. It includes environment, bionomics, aerograph, astronomy, aesthetics, psychology, geology, etc. We try to use science and accounting skill to investigate the factor how to tendency better and evade worse. This study hope to find the useful principles to help do the right choice of enterprise’s factory site selects.


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