  • 學位論文


The case-study of the Notebook’s heat-sink modules design verification process

指導教授 : 王金樹


本論文在探討NB散熱模組由初始的企劃審查階段、規格審查階段、EVT階段、DVT階段、PVT階段與MP階段之設計驗證流程,藉由吾人在散熱業界多年的設計經驗與實務參與以一實際案例透過專案管理與甘特圖來將NB散熱模組由企劃審查階段到量產階段針對各階段的執行項目以及各項目所需準備的資料與重點來提出一實際案例說明,並且把各階段的重點做歸納整合且提出說明如下: 一、企劃審查階段之重點在於了解客戶需求在專案的風險評估以及產品規劃與成本售價是否能夠滿足公司的利益,簡單來說就是承接此專案是否能夠為公司帶來利潤。 二、規格審查階段重點則在於散熱模組的設計與規格是否能夠滿足客戶系統需求與廠內製程能力,簡單來說就是產品需要能夠有量產性並且能夠滿足客戶的需求。 三、EVT階段的重點在於對散熱模組的性能與以及製造的可行性做一整體的測試驗證來確保產品可以滿足系統需求,並且有實際的測試數據來支持設計結果能夠滿足系統需求。 四、DVT階段之重點在於產品開模生產製造能夠滿足性能的提前下可以大量生產,在此階段的重點在於藉由試產來找出問題並且能夠找出產品在設計與組裝上的缺失並加以改善,並且進行設計變更。 五、PVT階段之重點在於針對DVT階段的試產缺失加以改善,並且為導入MP階段做最終之驗證與確認。 六、MP階段之重點在於將產品由工程設計正式導入產線量產,此階段之重點在於需將產品由企劃審查階段到PVT階段當中的各項試產報告以及測試結果做一歸納整理,並且將各項正式承認文件做最終匯整。 七、散熱模組的設計驗證時程基本上約約3-6個月不等,但仍可依照客戶所排定的Schedule而定。 八、模組工程師的實務經驗與學識能力對於設計驗證之結果與時間上會有所不同,但依本論文之P1~P6設計程序,其標準化設計之流程可縮短工程師學習曲線之時間。 九、前三段程序(企劃審查、規格審查、EVT)重視RD工程師設計之內部控管之責任。 十、後三段程序(DVT階段、PVT階段、MP階段)為RD工程師與外部廠家實作之控管。


散熱模組 企劃審查 規格審查 EVT DVT PVT 流程圖


This article is exploring design verification process of the initial project verification, specification review, EVT, DVT, PVT and mass production stage of the notebook’s heat-sink module. It is an actual example of personal years of experience of the heat-sink design experience and practical participation which will be expressed via project management and gannt chart of developing review stage through mass production of the notebook’s heat-sink module and integrated as below contents: 一、The key point of the project reviewing stage is to evaluate the risk and product design and the cost can fulfill company’s profit or not. 二、Specification reviewing stage is to see is the design and specification of the heat-sink module can fulfill customer’s system and factory’s production’s requirements or not. The product must reach customer’s request and can be introduced to mass production. 三、The key point of the EVT stage is to perform a complete testing on the heat-sink module and confirm the product can be produced without any issue to ensure that product can fulfill system’s requirements. And there should be actual testing data to support the design results. 四、The key point of the DVT stage is to focus on the molding of the products can be introduced to the mass production. Pilot runs should be performed to find out the problems and to improve the defect and conduct design change accordingly. 五、The key point of the PVT stage is to improve the defect and problems which found out from DVT stage, and complete all final verifications before mass production. 六、The key point of the mass production stage is to introduce the product from engineering design level to mass production officially. All trial run reports, testing results and approval sheets must be documented and consolidated. 七、The design schedule of the heat-sink module is about 3-6 months approximately, this schedule is still flexible according to customer’s schedule and request. 八、A module engineer’s field experience and knowledge will differ the design verification’s lead time and results. According to the design procedure of this article (P1~P6), the standard design process will shorten the time of the engineer’s learning curve. 九、The top three processes (Project verification, design reviewing, EVT) focus on the internal control’s liability of the RD engineer’s design. 十、Last three processes (DVT, PVT, MP) focus on the vendor and RD engineer’s managements.


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