  • 學位論文


A Study of the Physical Activity Experience Among Postmenopausal Women Without Regular Exercise

指導教授 : 鄭綺


本研究之主要目的,在探討無規律運動之停經後婦女之身體活動經驗。研究設計為質性研究法,採質性研究之深度訪談及內容分析,輔以問卷調查進行研究資料之收集。個案之收集採方便取樣法,以臺灣南部地區11位無規律運動之停經後婦女為對象進行研究。所收集之資料包括個案之身體活動經驗、平常日及假日之身體活動情形。所得之資料,採內容分析法發展各類屬間的共同主題;問卷調查所得資料採SPSS電腦統計軟體分析,以百分比及平均數對資料做描述分析。 研究結果顯示個案之身體活動經驗,包含「習慣性生活型態」、「負面的思維」、及「規律運動障礙因子」三個主題。其中,研究個案的身體活動主要為「為家人忙」、「休閒緩解症狀」、以及「循環於家務/職業/休閒之間」之習慣性生活型態。 於生活中,個案對規律運動易產生「負面的思維」。因其認為運動是一種可能「會受傷」的活動;且由於需要照顧家庭無法按時參加運動團體,因而視規律運動為會「妨礙家庭正規運作」的活動;且,於工作及料理家務之餘,個案常會覺得已經很累了,沒有體力再去運動,因此個案認為規律運動會造成「體力負擔加重」;另,有些個案透過別人的運動經驗,發現並不是運動的人都比較健康、沒運動的人都比較不健康,因此也對規律運動產生「健康效益不彰」的不肯定感。 且當其從事規律運動時,易面臨「時間不允許」、「支援系統不足」、及「缺乏動機」等「規律運動障礙因子」。在「時間不允許」的因素中,主要有「沒有時間」及「時間無法配合」;此外,「支援系統不足」,例如,「缺乏親友支持」以及本身「缺乏運動知識」,也常使得停經後婦女對從事規律運動缺乏信心;加上停經後婦女本身對規律運動「缺乏動機」,包括對規律運動「缺乏興趣」,以及當個案身體有不適時,會嚐試採取其他自己覺得有興趣的方式來緩解不適,當發現可以湊效時,便視規律運動為一種「非維持健康所必需」的活動。 研究結果發現,無規律運動之停經後婦女因對規律運動產生「負面的思維」,且受到「規律運動障礙因子」的影響,因而未從事規律運動。因此,她們的身體活動內容呈現以「習慣性生活型態」為主要的生活模式。 研究結果可提供婦女健康及心臟疾病防治工作者做為照顧停經後婦女、降低醫療成本、及提昇婦女健康照護之參考。


This study is aimed at exploring the physical activity experience among postmenopausal women who did not have regular exercise. Research is designed as quantitative approach, by means of in-depth interview assisting with questionnaires and investigations. Data collection employ a convenience sampling approach, targeting 11 postmenopausal women who did not pursued regular exercise in the south area of Taiwan. Research data included the physical activity experiences, physical activity status in usual days and holidays. Research data had been analyzed by different methods: first, content analysis were applied to find the category and themes. Secondly, questionnaire and investigation data had been calculated by the SPSS program, the calculation outcome including percentage and mean, which could help to understand the category and themes. Physical activity experience among postmenopausal women included three themes, they are “habitual life styles”, “negative thoughts”, and “barriers for regular exercise”. The major physical activity is “works for families”, “leisure for quite from physical symptoms”, and “living within chores / occupation / leisure time physical activity”. In lives, postmenopausal women who did not have regular exercise tend to have “negative thoughts” about regular exercise. They thought regular exercise as “may be injury”, “interfere with regular family process”, “a burden of physical body”, and uncertainty about health benefits from exercise as they believed exercise was “insignificant to health benefits”. In the moment of exercise, the subjects faced some “barriers for regular exercise”, such as “can’t be allowed by time”, “lack of support systems”, and “lack of motivation”. In the category of “can’t be allowed by time” appeared two subcategories one is “have no time”, the another one is “time schedule can not be matched”; In category of “lack of support system” also included two subcategories, which is “lack of supports from families” and “lack of exercise knowledge”. In category of “lack of motivation”, there are two subcategories one is “as uninterested”, and the rest one is that the subject believed it was “not necessary in maintaining physical health status”. The conclusion of this study found that, postmenopausal women without regular exercise had “negative thoughts” about regular exercise; and they have some “barriers for regular exercise”, which prevented them to do exercise regularly. So, their physical activities appeared with “habitual life styles” as a major live model. The results of this research can be contribute to heart disease prevention and treatment workers and women health workers in caring of postmenopausal women, which could reduce cost of medicine, and promoting women health.


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