  • 學位論文


Risk Knowledge and Behavioral Responses of the Public after Food Safety-Related Events

指導教授 : 韓柏檉


食品安全事件是現今社會不容忽視的一個重大議題。而台灣在近幾年來,發生了數起幾度造成社會軒然的食品安全事件,古有云:「民以食為天。」而在現今的環境下,民眾要如何吃得安心、吃的健康,是一大課題,也是專家學者及政府單位亟欲進行風險溝通的一大挑戰。 在本研究中,欲探討民眾對於食品安全及風險的相關知識,是否會與其健康行為的改變程度有所關連。而民眾對於相關資訊的理解和信任程度、接收資訊的態度與行為與上述的兩個指標又存在著怎樣的關係呢? 結果顯示,在食品安全及風險的相關知識題目的部分,答對至少十題的受試者比起沒有超過十題者,其得到較高健康行為分數的比例分別是16.9%及12.8%,p-value為0.014,但同時也看到,民眾的自評知識程度越高者,其得到較高健康行為分數的比例分別是38.6%及20.3%,p-value為0.000。但是當調整了人口變項後,實際知識分數的β值是0.117,而自評知識分數的β值則是0.590,兩者都有達到顯著差異。兩個模型的解釋力則分別是0.039和0.091,顯示在校正了人口學變項後,自評知識分數對於健康行為分數的影響力是較大的。而在接收資訊的部分,理解程度較好者與較差者其得到較高健康行為分數的比例分別是18.7%及6.2%,p-value為0.000;信任程度較好者與較差者其得到較高健康行為分數的比例分別是20.1%及12.2%,p-value為0.018;接收資訊的頻率較高者與較低者其得到較高健康行為分數的比例分別是19.7%及9.8%,p-value為0.000;接收資訊的態度較積極者與較消極者其得到較高健康行為分數的比例分別是15.3%及2.2%,p-value為0.000;接收資訊後的作法較積極者與較消極者其得到較高健康行為分數的比例分別是18.4%及7.2%,p-value為0.000。而當進入複回歸分析時,對資訊的理解程度和相信程度以及接收資訊的頻率,對於健康行為分數的影響則不顯著了,反而是對於接收資訊的態度及接收資訊後的作法越積極者,其β值越高,分別是3.030及2.576。表示接收資訊的態度及接收資訊後的作法,對於健康行為的影響力是比較大的。 雖然民眾的食品安全知識也會影響其的健康行為表現,但是民眾對於自身知識的自信程度(自我效能)以及對於相關議題的積極與否,才是決定其健康行為表現的首要因素。故應增加民眾對於資訊的掌握度,使其對相關議題的態度更加積極,進而增加其實際知識與健康行為表現。 關鍵字:食品安全、自我效能、資訊理解、資訊信任、健康行為表現、風險溝通、風險認知


Food safety events are major issues which can not be ignored nowadays. in recent years, several cases of social uproar caused food safety incidents occurred in Taiwan, and in today's environment, people how to eat confidently, eat healthily, is a major issue, but also experts, scholars and government agencies anxious to be a major challenge for risk communication. In the present study, we are going to investigate whether the extent of their health behavioral change would have connection with people’s knowledge degree for food safety and risks related notions. The public understanding and trust level of related information, attitudes to receive information and attitudes toward behavioral change are going to have what kind of interaction with the knowledge degree and behavioral change? The results showed that in some topics related to knowledge of food safety and risks, scored at least ten subjects compared to no more than ten questions,they get higher proportion of healthy behaviors were 16.9% and 12.8% relatively(p-value = 0.014). The extent of people's knowledge of the higher self-assessment, their scores get higher proportion of healthy behaviors were 38.6% and 20.3%.(p-value = 0.000) However, when adjusted after demographic variables, β value of the knowledge degree is 0.117, and self-assessment of knowledge degree’s β value is 0.590, both reach significant difference, and the power of the two models are 0.039 and 0.091, respectively,which show that in the correction of the demographic variables, the self-assessment scores for knowledge influence health behavior score greaterly. In the part of receiving information, people who have better understanding of the information and those with poor scores, were 18.7% and 6.2% respectively in score health behaviors which get higher scores, p-value = 0.000; degree of trust and worse, in relation of better to get higher health behavior scores were 20.1% and 12.2%, p-value = 0.018; receiving information and the higher the frequency the lower their scores get higher proportion of healthy behaviors were 19.7% and 9.8%, p-value 0.000; receiving information more positive attitude compared to those with negative, health behaviors by their scores get higher proportions were 15.3% and 2.2%, p-value = 0.000; receiving information after a more positive approach by which those with less negative get a higher proportion of health behavior scores were 18.4% and 7.2%, p-value of 0.000. When entering multiple regression analysis, the level of understanding of the extent and frequency of information and believed to receive information, for healthy behavior is not significantly affected the scores, but is more positive attitude to receive information and to receive information by post-practice, the higher the value of β, 3.030 and 2.576 respectively. Receive information expressed attitudes and practices after receiving information for influence health behavior is relatively large. While food safety knowledge of people's health will affect its behavior, but the degree of public confidence in their knowledge of the (self-efficacy) and active or not, is the primary factor in the decision for their health behaviors related issues. So we should increase public information for the master's degree, so the attitude of the relevant issues more actively, thus increasing their practical knowledge and health behaviors.


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