  • 學位論文


Security at the County Cultural Museum of Taoyuan: Estimation Using Facilities and Risk Management

指導教授 : 王德育


「天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福」,在我們生活的周遭裡,彷彿每天都陷於不斷發生的大大小小意外事件之中。而災害不分國界、種族和事物,隨時隨地都可能發生;一旦發生災害必將造成嚴重的人命傷亡及財產損失,若能及早發現徵兆,便可事先予以遏止。 博物館也不例外,平時除力求永續經營發展外,面對詭譎難以預測的未來,更不可欠缺「風險管理」之意識,同時還要建立「面臨危機事件,能即時對策因應」的準備。對於無法預知的風險,有的災害突如其來,像是地震、颱風、水災或火災等,在極短時間內即會對博物館造成極大的損傷;有的卻在日積月累下,疏於防備中,由小而大,逐漸對博物館文物的安全造成傷害,像是漏水、蟲蟻、人為疏失等,必須藉由危機意識之建立及危機處理的經驗累積,發展出一套適合各博物館處理的相關模式加以因應,並將「安全管理」的意識,建構於平日的完整準備中。 本論文之主要目的,旨在探討與瞭解災害風險對於博物館可能造成的影響,希冀掌握與處理博物館的安全管理。本文以三大章節論述,探討災害風險對博物館所造成的損傷,輔以國內外之案例,加強說明其防範之道;並針對博物館之「建築物」、「文物」、「人員」三者加以管理,在各類災害風險尚未衍生前,館方便能設計一個最佳場所及設備,加上人員的道德與專業養成,給予文物妥善利用與安全保存的環境。最後以「桃園縣地方文物館」為實例,將各項災害之安全管理措施逐一加以檢視,提出現況檢討及具體改善之建議,建立其面對各項災害時的安全機制與相關因應之道。希冀能將此論述引為實務之應用,強化博物館的軟硬體設施,以預防各項災害所帶來的風險,方能建構一座舒適與安全的博物館。


災害風險 安全管理


Abstract As the saying goes, “human fortunes are only as constant as changes in weather.” It seems that accidents are always present in our living environment, potentially causing damages with little regard for differences in nationality, geography and race. Because disasters often involve heavy losses in human lives and property, measures of early detection and prevention are required to forestall such negative outcomes of accidents. Likewise museum operation pursues the goal of sustainable development but cannot do without a sense of risk management in face of the changing and often unpredictable future. Above all this means proper preparation made in response to the event of sudden emergencies or slow crises. Major emergencies, such as earthquakes, typhoons, floods and fires, can wreck havoc to museum collections in a brief period of time. Minor damages created by water leakage, pest problems or staff negligence, on the other hand, tend to harm museum collections in a persistent and gradual manner. These of the latter kind demand a customized solution that will adopt risk management in both theory and practice while still addressing the specific nature of individual operations. This thesis examines the possible impacts of disaster risks on museum collections, and considers how facilities and risk management may be applied as a solution. The first three chapters use significant examples of both local and foreign sources to show the risks and their usual routes of prevention. Successful management of facilities, collection contents and staff helps to provide a safe site for exhibition and an alert and trained taskforce, both required for the best use and conservation of the collection contents. The concluding chapter focuses on the County Cultural Museum of Taoyuan, assessing its current situation as far as facilities and risk management is concerned and suggesting tips of future improvement in terms of emergency and risk handling. It is the author’s hope, by putting theory into practicable terms, the present thesis may assist the County Cultural Museum in becoming better equipped for incidents and risks and a more comfortable and safer space.


Risk Security


Burcaw, G. Ellis. Introduction to Museum Work. London: Altamira Press in association with The American Association for State and Local History, 1997.
