  • 學位論文


The Social Network and the Collaborative Research: A Case Study of IPv6 Development Program in Taiwan

指導教授 : 曾淑芬


資訊科技革命除了改變全球生產方式與經濟運作模式外,也讓學術研究與科學技術發展產生了變化,學術專業分工愈趨細緻的現象,讓跨學門協同合作的研究越來越普遍。本研究主要觀察資訊科技所帶來的便利溝通環境與其團隊導向的互動模式會對新型態的研究模式有何影響?本研究利用自我中心網絡分析法,以我國「IPv6建置發展計畫」之研究團隊,針對社會網絡關係、訊息流動、與合作後之學術生產力進行分析。其次,本研究蒐集參與該合作計畫之成員們過去一年內的學術著作,採用網絡分析法繪出與其他合作成員共同合寫期刊文章之網絡,分析協同合作所能來的實際效益。 實證調查結果顯示,CMC與電話同樣都很常被使用來進行合作時的溝通,在觀察IPv6合作團隊後,CMC並未增加合作網絡的異質性,互動對象的選擇仍侷限於既有的機構界線,研究也發現,CMC的使用能增加弱連帶比例、對學術產出有正向影響。長遠來看,CMC所產生的弱連帶或許會是未來合作的可能性。至於強連帶越多則越能讓IPv6中的成員進行訊息的傳遞;此外,在本協同合作的團隊中,訊息的交流重量不重質,不論何種類型的訊息,交換的頻率越多才會對個人的學術生產力有正向影響。結果反映出,國內學者在合作的過程中,越是強連帶多的網絡,才利於傳遞資訊與獲得個人學術的產出。


The Information technology revolution not only has a great influence on the globalization and networked production paradigm, but also changes the logic of research development in the science community. Scientific researches gradually became more cross-disciplined and collaborative. The first objective of this study attempts to observe the change pattern of current research alliances after adapting ICTs. Does CMC enhance collaboration and transform the social network of the scientific community? To what extent, would individual scientific productivity increase after joining collaboration? A web-based survey of 23 samples from the "National IPv6 Development Program" in Taiwan was conducted. And we used citation analysis to draw the network of co-author publication in IPv6 team. The result shows that CMC and phone are both most frequently used for communication within the groups and CMC can actually enhance weak ties and has positive effects on the productivity of academic publication. However, CMC does not increase the heterogeneity of academic field and disciplines, and the participants of IPv6 still bond with the university that they belong. Strong ties play a very significant role in facilitating information exchange within the network. Moreover, no matter what kind of information they exchange, scholars have higher productivity if only they interact more frequently with other team members. In the Information discipline, we observe that strong ties are important for scholars to share useful information and possibly gain higher research productivities.


