  • 學位論文

政策行銷溝通程序之探討: 以台北市推行垃圾費隨袋徵收政策為例

Investing the Process of Policy Marketing Communication: A Case Study of Taipei City Government Implementing the Per Bag Trash Collection Fee Policy

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


台北市自民國八十一年開始隨水費徵收垃圾費,企圖以收費抑制垃圾成長量,惟政策實行之後垃圾量仍是逐年攀升,並未達到減量的效果。台北市政府於民國八十九年七月一日起調整作法,全市推行垃圾費隨袋徵收政策,政策實施以來,至九十年四月為止,專用袋使用率達百分之九十九點九,垃圾量較未實施新制前同一時期平均減少約百之三十五、資源回收成長約二.五倍,達到垃圾減量的目的。 由於台北市垃圾費隨袋徵收政策推行以來達到垃圾減量的政策目標,成功地執行政策,本研究企圖結合公共政策執行與政策行銷溝通工具運用之觀點,探討台北市推行垃圾費隨袋徵收政策行銷溝通程序所涉及之問題。 本研究以台北市八十九年七月一日起實施垃圾費隨袋徵收政策為研究範圍,為了推廣此項政策,台北市政府行銷溝通過程中,包括組織運作、行銷溝通決策過程、影響行銷溝通策略等問題之研究。 本研究目的:一、為了解影響台北市垃圾費隨袋徵收政策行銷溝通的因素,作為其他政策運用行銷溝通之參考;二、未來在其他縣市推行垃圾費隨袋徵收政策之參考;三、政策執行成功因素之分析作為其他政策執行的衡量依據。 研究方法係以個案研究法,深入訪談台北市的政策決策者、規劃者、執行者及宣傳者為研究重心,所得之研究結論為:一、政策執行遵循「由上而下」的模式運作。二、政策行銷溝通系統的建立。三、政策行銷溝通組合工具之運用。四、政策行銷策略及影響因素。


For the purpose of reducing the amount of trash, Taipei began to charge a water-based trash collection fee since 1992. But the trash amount still increases by years. Obviously, the policy had not reached its goals. Therefore, Taipei City Government promoted a new system ”Per Bag Trash Collection Fee” on July, 1,2000. Until April, 2001, the city’s trash volumes were reduced by 35%, recycling rates grow 2.5 times. It has already reach the purpose of reducing trash volumes and increasing the recycling rates. The policy of per bag trash collection fee is successfully implemented. This thesis will attempt to combine the public policy implementation with the policy in Taipei marketing communication, and to discuss the problems of Taipei City Government had encountered when implementing the per bag trash collection policy. The goals of the thesis are (1) Taipei is the first city to implement the per bag trash collection policy, thesis could offer references to other cities. (2) What factors influence the policy marketing communication? (3) Why does the policy implement successfully? The findings are (1) The policy implementation follows “top down” approach. (2) Policy marketing communication system is established. (3) The Marketing Communication tools are applied to public policy.(4) Policy marketing strategies are established by scholars, and opinions from advertising agencies are also included.


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