  • 學位論文


The Advertising Effects of Consumption Value, Framing, and Time of Advertising Appeal: Perceived Risk and the Magnitude of Benefit as Moderators

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


日常生活中消費者面臨許多不同廣告訴求搭配的廣告訊息,以健康食品之廣告訴求為例:「需要服用一年則可防止皮膚失去彈性」或「只要三個月即可曲線窈窕迷人」。可從其中發現其廣告訴求包含幾項要素組合:時間、提供的訴求價值及正反面訊息。不同的要素組合會影響消費者的購買決策,因此對廠商而言,如何在廣告訊息中適當搭配不同的訴求組合為一重要的課題。 因此本研究欲探討產品廣告訊息中不同訴求的搭配組合為:價值訴求(歡樂性/功能性)、正反面訴求(gain/loss)、時間訴求(長/短效)的組合效果對於廣告可信度及消費者購買意願之影響。再者,當消費者知覺到的產品風險較高時,他們會傾向風險趨避且較喜歡選擇熟悉的商品組合(Campbell and Goodstein, 2001),所以廣告訴求的組合效果可能會因為消費者對產品的認知風險而改變其重要性且廣告內容之訊息框架所帶給消費者的益處/損失程度(magnitude)的不同,可能會影響消費者對於廣告訴求的組合效果的接受度;因此,本研究加以考慮產品知覺風險及廣告訴求利益程度之大小是否會對上述的效果產生調節作用。 為驗證本研究假設,實驗採取五因子實驗設計,共有2(價值訴求:歡樂性/功能性)×2(正反面訴求:正面/反面)×2(時間訴求:長效/短效)×2(產品知覺風險:高/低)×2(訴求利益之程度:大/小)=32個實驗組別之設計。 主要研究結論如下: 1. 功能性訴求仍較歡樂性訴求使個體產生較高的廣告可信度;反面訴求對廣告說服效果有較大的影響;個體仍傾向購買能快速達成訴求功效之產品 2. 當價值訴求與正反面訴求搭配時,個體仍較容易受到反面訴求影響;在長效訴求下,相較於歡樂性價值,功能性價值仍大大影響廣告說服效果;反面訴求應與短效訴求搭配而正面訴求與長效訴求搭配才能達到最好的廣告說服效果。 3. 當價值訴求為歡樂性時,反面訴求訴求搭配短效的購買意願明顯高於搭配長效訴求,然而當價值訴求為功能性時,反面訴求搭配長短效的購買意願差異反而沒有歡樂性時的效果大 4. 訴求利益程度顯著調節正反面訴求與時間訴求之交互作用


Consumers face a lot of different advertisements in daily life. We can find that many advertising appeals include several key elements, for example, time, consumption value, and positive and negative information offered. Different key elements combined could influence the consumer’s purchase intention. So this research wants to discuss whether the advertising appeals of the products: consumption value (hedonic/ utilitarian), framing (positive/ negative), and the length of time (long/ short) will influence advertising credibility and consumer’s purchase intention. Moreover, when consumer's perceived risk is higher for the product, they will prefer choosing other goods that is familiar with (Campbell and Goodstein, 2001); the magnitude of benefit may also influence the acceptance degree of advertisement. In this way, this research considers the factors: perceived risk and the magnitude of benefits as moderators. Five-way experiment design is taken to test hypotheses in this research. It is a 2 (consumption value: hedonic value/ utilitarian value) by 2 (framing: positive/ negative) by 2 (time: long/ short) by 2 (perceived risk: high/ low) by 2 (the magnitude of benefit: big/ small) analysis. The main conclusions of this research are listed as below: 1. Utilitarian value makes individuals produce higher advertising credibility; negative framing influences the advertising effect more; the individual still wants to buy the products which reach the effect fast. 2. Under the circumstances that the long time is demanded, relatively in hedonic value, utilitarian value still influences the advertising effect greatly; negative framing should matches with the short time but positive framing matches with long time will reach the best advertising effect. 3. The magnitude of benefit significantly moderates the interaction between the positive/negative framing and the length of time.


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