  • 學位論文


Field Model Simulation and Analysis for an Apartment Fire on 175 Niu-Pu road Hsin-Chu City

指導教授 : 林誠興


台灣在歷年來火災發生的事件中,以住宅型火災發生的比率最高,當中有很多是早期以鐵皮所加蓋的違章建築,儘管近年來台灣之經濟發展已十分迅速,但目前於各鄉鎮市中,仍充斥著許多此一類型的建築物,且均未做整體的規劃改建,故當火災一旦發生,在台灣居住人口如此密集之現況下,便常常造成重大的人員傷亡及財物的損失。 因為火災發生而造成的傷亡,根據以往國內外建築物火災的案例中,明顯可知”火源”與”濃煙”是危害人體安全的主要因素;而本火災案例造成傷亡的主因,即是如前述的在一舊式且頂樓加蓋鐵皮的建築內,有3名小孩被外出的大人關在充滿易燃物的房間裡,因乏人照顧而玩火,致最終葬身於無情的大火與濃煙中。 本文是使用美國NIST研發之一套火災模擬軟體FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator)來分析研究新竹市牛埔路之民宅火災,在經由軟體的模擬結果驗證後,由火場中各房間上層溫度與CO濃度的分佈狀況來分析討論可容許的逃生時間,可發現與實際火場的情形相當吻合,並且在各房間的開口時機、各房間內的不同燒毀程度與燃燒時間的總長等,亦均與實際火場情形十分接近;除此之外,更希望能藉由此案例,針對類似建築所容易發生危險的部份加以改進,來降低火災發生後對人體造成的傷害,甚至降低火災發生的機率。


場模式 上層溫度 CO濃度


During the past decades in Taiwan, there were many fire cases occurred in apartment buildings, and most of which were often rebuilt with illegal constructions using metal sheet. In recent years, despite of the fast development of economy, there still standing a lot of this kind of houses in villages and towns because of none overall rebuild plan. Once the fire happens, it will often cause great casualties and property losses, due to dense population and residential environment, the research in old-fashioned building fires is really important. According to the domestic and abroad records in building fires’ casualties: ”fire” and ”smoke” are obviously main factors endangering people, which make us have no choices but to pay attention to this issue. The purpose of this study is to reduce damage and occurrence of a fire. This paper utilizes Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS) field model simulation program to simulate the fire accident occurred in Hsin-Chu city. Deriving through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) fire model calculations, we can obtain the parameters such as upper layer temperature and carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations. The simulation results are expected to be a reference data for the researchers to analyze different conditions and estimate evacuation time in a fire, and offer the information to prevent fire occurrence.


【2】John H. Mammoser III, Francine Battaglia, 〝A computational study on the use of balconies to reduce flame spread in high-rise apartment fires〞, Fire Safety Journal, pp.277-296, 2004.
【3】Zhiqiang Zhai, Qingyan (Yan) Chen, 〝Numerical determination and treatment of convective heat transfer coefficient in the coupled building energy and CFD simulation〞Building and Environment, pp.1001-1009, 2004.
【4】Noah L. Ryder, Jason A. Sutula, Christopher F. Schemel, Andrew J. Hamer, Vincent Van Brunt, 〝Consequence modeling using the fire dynamics simulator〞, Journal of Hazardous Materials, pp.149-154, 2004.


