  • 學位論文


An Evaluation Model for Design Change Scheme And Manufacturing Analysis-Taking PCB for example

指導教授 : 鄭元杰


隨著科技的進步,電子產品以輕薄短小兼備多功能的雙重需求下,為了要順應市場潮流及顧客多元化的需求,新產品的研發和產品改良變更是很重要的一環。產品汰舊換新率非常的快速,顧客的需求變化更是快速,導致產品的研發越來越複雜多變,研發中因為顧客的需求、技術要求等都可能因為時間和情況的不同而改變,而必須作規格調整、設計改變等,以期望不斷的改良產品來使其更符合市場需求,產品改良變更是無可避免的。因此本研究將在單廠製造的環境下,針對單一產品設計變更方案評估,提出一套以資料包絡分析法和層級程序分析法結合為設計變更方案之評估模式,提供決策在設計變更方案作決策參考。 本研究建構三階段之評估模式,以解決單廠區之設計變更方案評估的問題。利用線性規劃模式建立一套設計變更對設計成本與製造成本模式,來求得設計變更成本與設計、製造時間最小化,並將此成本模式作為下一階段設計變更方案選擇的投入,接著利用資料包絡分析法與層級程序分析法來評估設計變更的方案,其中包含定性與定量共七項評估指標,求得各決策方案間之優先順序,提供決策者作為設計變更可行性的參考及依據。最後,因本研究所探討的產品為印刷電路板,整理印刷電路板在物料、製程、設備上的連鎖反應關係,瞭解在PCB的設計變更所需注意、考慮事項。


With the advancement of technology, electric products are seeing prompt change, in order to meet the customer’s requirements and the trend of market. Depends on the demand of customers and technique, product research and development will become more complex and varied. It must be noted that the design change of management become an essential part of product research and development. In other words, it is very important to expand an efficient system in the design change of management. The purpose of this study is to develop an evaluation model by using DEA and AHP methodologies for design change scheme in a single factory manufacturing environment. The evaluation model proposed in this study is distributed three stages. In the first stage, the objective is to minimize design change cost and time model, and considers the design cost, manufacturing cost, design time and manufacturing time. In the second and third stages, the model combines DEA with AHP to evaluate the priority of design-changed scheme and considers the qualitative and quantitative factors. An example product is demonstrated and discussed and the result can provide information for managers to make decision. At the end, it lines up a series of changed-effect for materiel, manufacturing processes, equipment of PCB.


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