  • 學位論文


The Fire Detectors Analysis for Different Effect Factors

指導教授 : 何三平


目前依據消防法規之規定,偵煙式探測器裝設於樓地板高度2.3公尺以下或樓地板面積小於40平方公尺之空間內,應設在其出入口附近,而探測器表面也禁止塗上水泥漆,但法規中並無說明探測器設置之意義,以及表面塗抹油漆後會否影響作動或使之失效,故為配合現今性能化設計之趨勢,將進行火警探測器影響因子之研究,希冀藉由本研究之探討使火警探測器能符合性能化設計之所需,改善傳統法規與實務使用上無法解決之問題。 於實驗得知,當空間內之開口由單開口變更為雙開口時,偵煙式探測器之作動時間會縮短約60%,而燃料種類改變時,其各位置之探測器作動快慢順序不會改變,但空間內四個角落之偵煙式探測器作動順序會受火源位置影響而有所變化,與國內法規之規定有所出入,故依性能化設計考量,建議將偵煙式探測器設於出入口之相對位置,以確保偵煙式探測器能快速探測火災發生,降低損傷。對於水泥漆塗料會否延遲探測器作動,可由水與水泥漆之混合比例得知,當混合比例介於分界點之內時,塗抹水泥漆會加速探測器作動,反之,混合比例超過分界點時,塗抹水泥漆會延遲探測器作動,甚至失去探測之效能。其定溫式一種探測器之分界點為混合比例1:3,而差動式二種探測器於塗抹混合比例為1:1∼1:5之水泥漆皆可加速作動,唯在純水泥漆時會延遲作動。 研究發現,定溫式特種作動時間介於定溫式一種的50%∼70%之間,而差動式一種作動時間介於差動式二種的70%∼90%之間,因此可由定溫式特種及差動式一種探測器之作動時間,預估定溫式一種及差動式二種之作動時間,而方便於日後消防設計之運用,且研究中亦發現定溫式一種與定溫式二種兩者雖在有效防護範圍及設置高度皆有所差異,但於穩態火災時下,其作動時間皆相當接近、無明顯之分別。


The smoke detector has earlier detection time for a house with two openings than one opening, because the two openings provide a better air entrance into the room fire. The best detection location is away from the opening of a house in the small room fire in this research but the regulation requires installing detector close to the opening in Taiwan fire codes. The water miscible paint is usually painted on the detector in Taiwan. The fixed temperature detector can detect early when the paint on the detector is in a ratio of three to one for paint and water mixture in a series of fire tests. The rise of the ratio can help the detectors detect early when the mixture ratio is up to 5. The detector can not be actuated if the paint ratio is higher than above situation. The detection time of the special early sensitivity of the fixed temperature detector is 50%to 70% the detection time of the first sensitivity of fixed temperature detector in different steady state fire scenarios. The detection time of the first sensitivity of rate-of-rise detector is about 70% to 90% the detection time of the second sensitivity of rate-of-rise detector in this research.


【6】 M. Janssens, “Measuring rate of heat release by oxygen consumption,” Fire Technology, Vol. 27, p. 234(1991).
【7】 W. Thornton, The Relation of Oxygen to the Heat of Combustion of Organic Compounds, Philosophical Magazine and J. of Science, Vol.33, No.196 (1917).
【8】 C. Huggett, Estimation of Heat Release by Means of Oxygen Consumption Measurement, J. of Fire and Materials, Vol.12, pp.61-65, (1980).
【9】 V. Babrauskas, “Burning Rates,” The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, Section 3 Chapter 1, Heat Release Rates, Third Edition.
【10】 Robert G. Zalosh, Industrial Fire Protection Engineering, pp.215-217, England:Wiley (2003).


