  • 學位論文


The Action Study of Learning Together in the Sixth Grade Mathematics Remedial Instruction

指導教授 : 王為國


現今十二年國教重視學生的自主學習、教育因材施教、適性揚才、提供學生多元進路、強化高中的優質銜接等五大理念。研究者在取得補救教學教師資格後,就開始思考用何種教學策略去幫助數學低成就學生彌平同儕間的學力差距,奠定數學基礎能力並且可以激起學生強烈學習動機。 本研究採取行動研究法,運用了合作學習中的「共同學習法」來提升補救教學學生的學習動機,擬定訪談大綱針對補救教學學生導師( T1 )的非正式訪談、補救教學夥伴教師( T2 )、補救教學學生( S1-S10)、補救教學篩選教師( T3 )的正式訪談,以錄音、錄影、逐字稿記錄方式、課室觀察記錄、授課教師互相討論、研究者自我省思等來進行資料的分析。 本研究的主要結果如下: 一、教師在進行補救教學課程時使用合作學習的「共同學習法」,藉由同儕的討論、溝通、解題、分享,共同解決問題合作學習完成教師的學習單,因著共同完成教師的教學目標引起內在學習動機,牽引外在學習動力來強化對數學的主動學習驅力。 二、教師在補救教學的課程設計上採用「共同學習法」,同儕間合作學習互信互賴完成學習單的各類題型共同成長,減輕同儕間的競爭進而加強學習成效。 三、學生在經過補救教學後,學業成績有進步,學習動機也因著誘因的驅使慢慢轉為自發性的學習動機,帶動同儕間的良性競爭和共同學習、進步、成長。 四、實施補救教學後,教師的專業成長更重要,更經由一次次的課程設計中去思考如何提升學生的學力期使學生回到原班級中可以跟上其他同學。 基於上述的研究結果,有以下的幾點建議: 一、補救教學的學生應該更多元化,不是只有學校課後照顧班學生 二、根據個別學生的程度設計不同的學習單 關鍵字: 共同學習法 、數學 、補救教學


共同學習法 數學 補救教學


In the current twelve years, the National Education attaches great importance to the five concepts of students' independent learning, education in accordance with their aptitude, appropriate development of talents, providing students with multiple access, and strengthening the high-quality connection of high schools. After the researchers obtained the remedial teaching qualifications, they began to think about what teaching strategies should be used to help low-achieving students in mathematics bridge the academic gap between peers, lay the foundation for mathematics and stimulate students' strong learning motivation. This research adopts an action research method, using the "joint learning method" in cooperative learning to improve the learning motivation of remedial teaching students, and drafting an interview outline for informal interviews with remedial teaching student tutors (T1) and remedial teaching partner teachers (T2) , Formal interviews with remedial teaching students (S1-S10) and remedial teaching screening teachers (T3), using recordings, video recordings, verbatim records, classroom observation records, teachers discussing with each other, researchers self-reflection, etc. Analysis. The main results of this research are as follows: 1. Teachers use the "joint learning method" of cooperative learning when conducting remedial teaching courses. Through peer discussion, communication, problem-solving, and sharing, they can solve problems together. Co-learning completes the teacher's study list, because the teacher's teaching goals are completed together Arouse internal learning motivation and traction external learning motivation to strengthen the driving force of active learning in mathematics. 2. Teachers adopt the "joint learning method" in the curriculum design of remedial teaching. Peers cooperate to learn and trust each other to complete various question types of the study list, stimulate potential, reduce competition among peers, and enhance learning effectiveness. 3. After the students undergo remedial teaching, their academic performance has improved significantly, and their learning motivation has gradually turned into a spontaneous learning motivation driven by incentives, which promotes healthy competition among peers and mutual learning, progress, and growth. 4. After the implementation of remedial teaching, the professional growth of teachers is more important, and through the course design, how to improve the scholastic ability of students so that students can keep up with other students in the original class. Based on the above research results, there are the following suggestions: 1. The students of remedial teaching should be more diverse, not just the students in the after- school care class. 2. Design different study sheets according to the level of individual students. Keywords: Learning Together, Mathematics, Remedial Instruction


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