  • 學位論文

漢、韓四字成語之對比與使用偏誤分析及成語教學建議 - 以中、高級韓籍華語學習者為對象

Error Analysis in Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language – A Corpus – Based Study of the Use of Idioms in Korean Learners’ Writing

指導教授 : 陳慶智 劉宜君


漢、韓四字成語之對比與使用偏誤分析及成語教學建議 - 以中、高級韓籍華語學習者為對象 摘要 成語是非常特殊的漢語語言形式,雖形式特殊、固定,但至今仍活用於現代漢語中,可說是一個民族語言智慧的結晶。中、韓兩國因為地理位置的緣故,自古以來歷經政經、文化上的交流,韓國的語言文化深受中國的影響,韓國語尚未形成前,即大量借用中國漢字;韓國語形成後,仍深受漢字、漢文化影響,成語即是最好的證明。 本文利用既有的漢字和成語的先備知識,研究韓籍華語學習者在漢語成語表現中的各項偏誤現象,以及如何協助其降低母語負遷移的影響。首先,基於相關的研究文獻,探究韓籍華語學習者在學習漢語詞彙過程中,可能產生的語言遷移現象,及探析認知發展理論與語言習得的相關性;其次,透過前人關於漢、韓成語的對比和偏誤分析之文獻資料,採用語料庫語言學法,探討韓籍華語學習者在書面寫作使用成語的情況,並於該基礎上分析韓籍華語學習者使用成語偏誤的原因,及其偏誤產生的來源。 結果證實漢、韓語成語形式結構和語義之異同,確實會對韓籍學習者產生干擾,因而影響漢語成語的學習及正確使用,由於母語負遷移的干擾,同時也產生成語形式結構之字形書寫上的偏誤,進而影響漢語成語的學習及正確使用。本研究並以結論為基礎,提出認知理論運用在華語教學上的應用及建議,透過對比分析結果提出成語教學之難易排序,統整一份適合韓籍華語學習者及其他母語背景華語學習者使用的成語教材分類表,提供可應用在課堂的成語教學教案,以幫助華語學習者正確地使用漢語成語,提高學習者對華語的認知,提升際華語教學的品質與效率。 關鍵詞:韓籍華語學習者、語言遷移、認知理論、偏誤分析、成語教學


Error Analysis in Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language – A Corpus – Based Study of the Use of Idioms in Korean Learners’ Writing Hsiao-Yi Chang Abstract “Chengyu” (set-phrases), one special forms of Chinese idioms, is still used in Modern Chinese and regarded as the accumulated wisdom of generations. Because of the close geographical location between China and Korea, Chinese politics, economy, and culture had a great influence on Korean. Korean adopted a great deal of Chinese characters before establishing their own written language. Over the centuries, Korean was still influenced by Chinese, which was proved from Korean idioms. The purpose of this paper is to investigate Korean learners’ errors in using Chinese idioms in order to help Korean learners to reduce the impact of negative transfer from their native language. First, based on review of related literature, this study seeks likely phenomenon of Korean learners’ language transfer during the process of acquiring Chinese idioms. The concepts regarding Cognitive Development and language acquisition, in particular, plays a crucial role in the theoretical framework. In addition, the research method used in this thesis is a corpus-based study and analysis with references to previous studies about error analysis between Chinese and Korean idioms. The analysis sheds light on the effects and causes of Korean learners’ errors in writing Chinese idioms. The findings reveal that the similarities and differences between Chinese and Korean idioms indeed interfere with Korean learners’ using Chinese idioms correctly. The interference from native language also causes Korean learners’ written errors. For the purpose of effective instruction, this paper also provides teaching application, advice, and proper teaching order according to the level of Chinese idioms (from simplicity to difficulty). A list involving a variety of Chinese idioms is established specifically for Korean learners. Additionally, the paper provides teaching plans which can raise Korean learners’ awareness in Chinese learning and increase the quality and efficiency in teaching Chinese idioms. Keywords:Korean learners of Chinese language, Language transfer, Cognitive Developmental Theory, Error Analysis, Chinese idioms teaching


