  • 學位論文


The Study on Credence of Traditional Temples and Ancestral Shrines in Taiwan

指導教授 : 薛琴


台灣傳統建築經過多年學者專家努力推動保存,現今已獲得政府與社會大眾重視,全國各地指定的古蹟歷史建築也已超過四百處,惟傳統建築室內例如供桌之類的文物家具研究,目前僅限於地區性或以單獨的祠廟為主,各地古供桌甚或偶有失竊、散佚的情形。供桌作為民間信仰祭祀禮儀之重要器物,皆居殿堂室內重要位置,亦是古老祠廟的一真實歷史見證,與古建築有著共榮共生的關係,是故供桌應與古建築硬體視為一體,具同等重要性。而統合供桌的整體系統調查建立,實為刻不容緩的研究課題。 本研究以台灣及澎湖金門地區祠廟類古蹟室內之供桌作為研究對象,逐點收集記錄後,彙整建構台灣傳統祠廟內供桌整體性之資料庫,並透過匠師訪談以瞭解供桌之製作要點、各地特色、師承流派以及重組老供桌與匠師之關聯。再從「時代特徵、地理分布、組構施作」三個觀點作為論文之篇章,來探討供桌之發展歷程、形制與地域色彩、文化藝術內涵。   論文共分為五章,內容如下: 第一章 緒論:主要論及研究動機、目標、範圍的界定、研究方法與流程,並探討供桌的定義、起源、尺寸及與祭祀空間的關係。 第二章 台灣金澎地區祠廟供桌的時代特徵:藉由歷史分期論述供桌在時代社會變遷影響下的發展歷程,並闡明每個時期供桌演變的風格表徵。 第三章 台灣與金澎地區祠廟供桌地理分布的差異:針對各地紛呈多樣形制的供桌,敘述供桌的地域特色,每種類型供桌流行區域範圍。 第四章 供桌組構與施作的整體解析:從結構榫卯、構件風格、線腳與裝飾題材、表現技法、材質、落款探討、匠師派別等諸多因素來分析供桌的工藝特質。 第五章 結論:綜合以上論述,可以釐清各時代供桌演變軌跡,供桌地方特色呈現較整體輪廓, 以肯定台灣傳統祠廟供桌之歷史價值。


形制 供案 傳統廟宇宗祠 供桌


Abstract The Study on Credence of Traditional Temples and Ancestral Shrines in Taiwan Master thesis of Department of Architecture of Chung Yuan Christian University January, 2005 By Cheng, Pi-Ying Thesis Adviser:Hsueh Chin With years of scholarly effort to preserve, Taiwan’s traditional buildings have gained great attention from both the government and the society. Now there are over 400 protected historical sites and buildings throughout the nation. However, studies for traditional furniture, such as credence, are only limited to local areas or single temple venues. The credence, usually placed in important spots indoor, not only serve as important artifacts to folk religions and worship rituals, but also represent the history and prosperity of the ancientness of the buildings. Therefore it is important to emphasize and treat the building and the credence as a whole. However, there have been losses and thefts throughout these historic venues, and thus it is necessary and urgent to conduct searches and establish an integrated system for credence. This study is based on temples in historical sites located in Taiwan, Peng Hu, and Kin men. To form a database for credence found in traditional temple in Taiwan, each venue was visited with information collected. Interviews with carpentry masters were conducted to collect about the makes, features of makes from different areas, skills and factions, and reconstructed old credence. Features of different times, geographical scatters, and construction/produces are the 3 center focuses of this study, as it explores the development, style, features associated with the areas, art, culture and content. This paper is divided into 5 major chapters with details listed as below: Chapter 1﹒Introduction: The discussions include motivations, goals, area division, research methods, steps, as well as the definitions, origins, and sizes of the credence, and their relations with worship spaces. Chapter 2﹒Features of different times: the development of credence is discussed in terms of historical and social influences. The style and changes unique to each period is noted. Chapter 3﹒Geographical scatters and differences: different styles and features of credence from varied areas are discussed as well as their coverage region. Chapter 4﹒Analysis of constructions and makes: observations of the dados, structures, piece styles, moulding and themes, expressions and craftsmanship, materials, expressions, and artisans are each analyzed in terms of the craftsmanship. Chapter 5﹒Conclusions and Suggestions: To sum up, this study marks the distinctiveness of credence changes throughout different times. The constructed silhouette through this study brings affirmation to the historical values of traditional temple offering tables in Taiwan.


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