  • 學位論文


Relationship among Market Entry Strategy, Perceived Trade Environment and Risk—Comparison Study of RCEP and TPP for Taiwan’s Trading Companies

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


隨著時代巨輪帶動國際經濟情勢變動之際,世界各國皆在資本主義的推動下,經濟型態從原先各自為政的獨立關係,轉變為全球分工的合作夥伴。全球化的衝擊已打破國與國之間的屏障,貿易壁壘亦隨時間慢慢屏除,自由貿易協定(FTA)則躍升為牽起國與國之間的聯繫,為全球貿易市場注入嶄新的血液,活絡全球經貿合作關係,倘若一國仍堅持自我獨立發展,則將使其國家產業大受衝擊,更嚴重將可能會一蹶不振。 因此,本研究根據各研究機構報告與相關文獻探討的參考,在研究架構上以貿易商進入市場策略作為研究變數;知覺貿易環境力與知覺貿易風險度為依變數;企業類型與企業規模設為干擾變數;而區域經濟體則為本研究之係絡變數。透過問卷調查之量化統計分析方式,調查投資布局在RCEP與TPP國家之貿易商對於貿易環境與貿易風險之滿意程度,共計回收368份有效問卷,並進行相關之統計分析,進而得到以下之研究結論,分別為: 1.進入市場策略對知覺貿易環境力與知覺貿易風險度有顯著差異,知覺貿易環境力層面無論是法規限制、政府限制、市場便捷或流程便捷皆達顯著水準;而知覺貿易風險度方面,則為投資成本、經商成本、支付風險與政策風險皆達顯著之水準,顯示貿易商進入RCEP與TPP國家時此些因素將會影響其選擇的進入市場策略,因此亦表示未來貿易商應將此些因素列為布局之考量。 2.不同區域經濟體對進入市場策略具有顯著影響,本研究發現「降低成本型」、「接近市場型」與「分散風險型」對RCEP與TPP國家兩大區域經濟體皆有影響,顯示貿易商會根據不同國家選擇適合的進入策略,以為自身創造佳績與優勢,同時,亦傳達未來貿易商欲進入RCEP與TPP區域經濟體投資時,應是其國家貿易環境與風險進而決定該用何種策略,以順利打入市場並佔有一席之地。 3.RCEP與TPP國家之貿易總額對知覺貿易環境力與知覺貿易風險度有顯著影響,其中貿易總額為前五名的國家,貿易商對其滿意程度較高,顯示貿易商的偏愛程度與國家對台灣貿易量多寡成正比,亦可推論貿易總額名次較前面之國家,貿易商對其國家的貿易環境與貿易風險程度皆擁有較高的滿意度,因此,貿易商在這些國家投資時,獲得利益與商機相對較大,同時,亦告知其他未來貿易商應優先將此些國家列入布局之考慮項目。


Because the international economics are transforming, the trading style of countries are either different before. About the economy style, it was developed by their ownself; however, it changes to division of the work. Because there is no obstacle in front if the country, they can trade to other country free and conveniently. Besides, there is one important thing, which is Free Tade Agreement. It could make different countries contect closely; nevertheless, it also could assist the trading market to be up to date. Therefore, if a country always insist on does not alternate with other country, then it could face to some confliec and make their industry to get injured. Following by the situation, the paper collects lots of international institutions and literature review to adopt the Market Strategy to be independent variable, Perceived Trade Environment and Perceived Trade Risk to be dependent variable, the Syle and Scale of Compant to be mediators; Enomy to be context variables. The paper is quantitative research, there were 368 effective questionnaires. The purpose of paper is investigating the satisfactions of merchants who invest in RCEP and TPP economy. After generalizing the results, it can find: 1.The Marke Strategy between the Perceived Trade Environment and Perceived Trade Risk is significant. Beside, the Market Strategy to the dimention of Perceived Environment which is Law Restrict, Government Restrict, Market Convenience, and Proceed Convenience are all significant. Besides, the Market Strategy to the dimensions of Perceived Trade Risk which is Investment Cost, Business Cost, Payment Risk, and Policy Risk are all significant. That means merchants want to invest these countries, they should think over these elements. 2.The different Economy to Market Strategy is significant. The paper finds that merchants could adopt different strategy by different country. Therefore, there are some suggestions of strategy which could give some direction to merchants in the future. 3.The Trade Quantity of RCEP and TPP to Perceived Trade environment and Risk is significant. Beside, the paper finds that the ranking of first to fifth countries, merchants got the most satisfied. It also means the merchant like to the environment and risk in these countries. Therefore, they invest these countries could get more profits.


7.杜巧霞、葉長城,TPP與RCEP區域整合對臺灣之影響與因應 ,經濟前瞻,頁49-65。
1.Aaker, D.(1984), Developing Business Strategies, N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
