  • 學位論文


A Study of Layout of Official Language Textbook in Primary School -Taiwanese and Japanese Textbook as an Exampl

指導教授 : 林昆範


我國自民國九十一年起,國小教科書全面改採審定制,開放民間版本的通行,目前國小國語教科書市佔率前三位的出版社分別為南一、康軒和翰林。本研究在資料收集階段中發現此三版本的版面多為圖文滿版編排、色彩豐富的設計,之間並無明顯差異;而相同使用漢字與直式編排的日本教科書,不僅版本之間的差異甚鉅,同版本的課文之間亦有不同的設計。本研究以文獻探討法為主,專家訪談法為輔,從文獻中彙整現代版面編排的評價原則,針對國小三年級國語教科書的版面編排,進行實際的視覺檢測,以探究台灣國小國語教科書版面編排的特徵,並探究台灣與日本國小國語教科書在編排設計上的異同,以及編排設計與文體之間的關係。 本研究發現,台灣的版面編排以四種表現形式為主:(1)上文下圖或下文上圖各佔一半,(2)L形圖版或其應用,(3)圖版圍繞文字,(4)左圖右文。台灣和日本的版面編排比較,其主要差異為:(1)在整體視覺方面,台灣以滿版編排、日本以大量餘白為特徵,(2)在圖文配置方面,台灣著重情境營造的圖版、日本著重閱讀導向的文字編排,(3)在色彩使用方面,台灣的用色明亮豐富、日本的用色溫和謹慎。此外,台灣各版本的文體之間的視覺差異皆不大;而日本的文體性質則反映在版面設計,不同的文體透過版面構成要素形成不同的版面視覺。本研究建議,國語教科書之版面編排應可考量各文體的特質與差異,重視閱讀目的並善用視覺要素進行版面編排,以期設計出學習性、生活性與視覺性兼備的理想教科書。


教科書 編排設計 文體 版面構成


Ministry of education executed to diversify the production of textbooks in primary school since 2002. The official language textbook in primary school publishers which are the top three market share are 南一, 康軒and翰林. The layouts of three editions are colorful and fill with letters and plates. That shows layouts are similar between these three editions. Layout is the important bridge between the content and readers. Textbooks attach more impotance to the information communication than general books. To discuss on the layout of official language textbook in primary school, the data in this study mainly draws on documentary analysis, assisting with interview, to compare textbook samples with theories of contemporary layout composing evaluation. This study to exploring three things: the characteristic layout of Taiwanese official language textbook in primary school, the layout difference between Taiwanese and Japanese official language textbook in primary school, and the relation between layout and the literary form. There are four characteristic layouts of Taiwanese: 1.letters and plates half and half, 2.L and inverse L plate, 3.plate surrounds letters, 4.left plate and right letters. The layout differences between Taiwanese and Japanese are: 1. Taiwanese fills with letters and plates and Japanese has lots of blank space, 2. Taiwanese uses lots of atmospheric plates and Japanese emphasises on letters, 3.Taiwanese is colorful and Japanese color is gentle. Japanese layouts show different relations between layout and the literary form but Taiwanese layouts don’t. Taiwanese layouts should emphasis on composing elements to make different relations between layout and the literary form and composing element free and purposeful to design textbook that suit for student reading and the market demand.


literary form textbook layout


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