  • 學位論文

五大人格特質與心理契約內容關聯性之研究 —以高科技產業之新進員工為對象—

The Relationships between Big-Five Personality Traits and Psychological Contract, A Case Study of New Coming Employees in High Technology Industry

指導教授 : 吳美連


員工在進入公司後,勞雇雙方的契約即形成,然而,正式的勞雇契約,並未將員工與雇主的權利與義務全數載明,因此造成員工進入公司後心理上的落差,心理契約則是勞雇雙方未明文約定的另一種形式。正式的書面契約建立在民法與勞動基準法的基礎上,心理契約則是建立在雇主進行招募活動時與員工的口頭承諾及員工進入公司後彼此的期望。Rousseau(1989)的研究中將心理契約定義為:員工對於自己在組織中所應該盡的義務(obligation),以及組織對員工應盡的義務。心理契約可從雇主與員工的角度分別探討,但是,由於雇主的身份難以認定,故本研究以員工認知的角度,了解雇主與員工的心理契約,即是,員工認知雇主應對其負擔那些義務與責任以獲得員工對公司的貢獻,雇主認為員工應負擔那些義務與責任以達成公司的期望。 心理契約與一般的契約不同在於心理契約為個人主觀的認知,這項認知由於個人對訊息不同的解讀而造成的,個人的認知會受到教育程度、工作職務及人格特質等因素產生不同的解讀,因此本研究著重於個人特徵、人格特質與心理契約的關聯性。 本研究採調查法,以高科技產業年資三年新進員工為研究對象,發出450份問卷,回收310份,有效問卷為270份,研究的目的在於了解台灣高科技產業新進員工的五大人格特質與心理契約重視程度的關聯性,將研究結果提供企業界參考。 研究結果透過因素分析將心理契約員工義務與公司義務各分為六大類,公司義務為「工作適切性與學習性」、「優渥的福利」、「重視溝通與分享的文化」、「完善的制度」、「成就感」與「薪酬」,員工的義務為「職務的課責性」、「忠誠」、「離職的義務」、「自願從事職責外的工作」、「維護公司名譽」與「接受工作調整」。研究結果顯示,人格特質與心理契約重視的程度有顯著的關聯性,可提供業界作業選才、育才與留才的參考。


The Employment Contract forms immediately on the date of employee reports for the duty at the company. However, the official Employment Contract doesn’t generally specify precisely in written the overall right and obligation for both parties on it, so it usually cause a recognition gap between employer and employee, the Psychological Contract is considered as another kind of contract which doesn’t specify precisely the binding scope for both parties. Official Employment Contracts are built on the basis of Civil Right Act and Labor Standard Act, but Psychological Contract is built on oral commitment and mutual expectation for each other as employer proceeds the recruitment. According to Rousseau (1989) Research Center defined, Psychological Contract refers to employees' perceptions of what they owe to their employers and what their employers owe to them. Psychological contract can be explored from the employee’s and employer’s perspectives separately, however, due to difficult to identify employer, this study is from the view of employee’s recognition to understand psychological contract. That is, employee recognizes what obligations and responsibilities employer should carry to obtain employee’s contribution to company; meanwhile, employer considers what obligations and responsibilities employee should carry to reach the company’s expectation. Psychological contract is a kind of subjective recognition; it differs from any individual interpretation, such as individual education background, occupation, and personality trait. Therefore, this study is focus on the relationship among the personality characteristics, personality traits, and psychological contract. This study takes the junior employees with the 3-year seniority working at high-tech industry as research sample, totally sent out 450 copies of questionnaires, and got 310 copies returned, 270 copies out of the returned were effective. The main purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between Big-Five Personality Traits and importance of Psychology Contract to the junior employees at the high-tech industry, and finally provides the results to industry for reference. The research results of employee’s and employer’s obligations of psychology contract were classified into 6 categories by means of Factor Analysis. The Employer’s obligations were: “Job adaptability & Learning”, “Superior Benefit”, “Culture of communication and sharing”, “Completed System”, “Job Satisfaction”, and “Compensation”. The Employee’s obligations were: “Job responsibility”, “Loyalty”, “Obligation of resignation”, “Volunteering doing extra work beyond duty”, “Protecting company’s reputation”, and “Acceptance of job adjustment”. The result of this research shows very significant on the relationship between personality traits and the importance of psychology contract, which can be used as a reference for enterprises while processes talents’ recruitment, development and retention.


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